AWS 環境に Jira Server を構築してみる で、検証目的として立ち上げたサーバーを ALB を利用して SSL で接続してみます。 事前準備 Amazon Route 53 でホストゾーンの作成 カスタムドメインに Jira に接続するために事前に Route 53 でホストゾーンを作成します。 Route 53 > ホストゾーン > ホストゾーンの作...
Our team was inspired by the performance review best practices from Atlassian and we decided to collect our recommendations for employee assessment in this blog post. Employee performance is one of ...
Webhook と Automation For Jira を用いてユーザー作成時に「言語」や「タイムゾーン」などのプロファイル設定を自動で反映させる方法をご案内いたします。設定を自動化することで、ユーザーを作成した際、そのユーザーにプロファイルの設定箇所を伝え、各自で変更してもらう必要がなくなります。 この記事では、ユーザーを新しく作成した際に、そのユーザーの「言語(日本語)」と「タイムゾ...
Greetings, Community Members! I am Ankit, a product manager for Jira DC. I would like to thank you for trusting us when we said that the Jira 8 platform upgrade will unlock massive benefit...
Question We are using a shared screen scheme across multiple projects. How do we make changes to one project without&...
Hello Everyone! We are happy to announce that Zephyr for Jira Cloud has a brand new Ideas Portal! Zephyr for Jira Cloud users can share their ideas, vote on ideas they like, and talk directly with ...
As powerful as Jira is, it is not always easy for some Jira beginners to start using it. Now and then, we all need a little help. Especially as your company adapts Jira’s usage beyond your software d...
Hello Atlassian Community! I am the Atlassian Ecosystem Manager for SmartBear. In this article, we will provide resources covering our integration with Jira that provides test mana...
...ourney, it's not a matter of if, but when. Cloud is the future, and Atlassian is staying true to its values by boldly moving into the era of cloud. But please do not forget the middle and move on w...
...aking affect You need to verify if the customer report is true, and want to do a timeout reproduce in your environment. ssh to Fisheye server, and find the the process ID of Fisheye.&n...
...ray Details: Zephyr Pricing:
TL;DR Jira admins on Jira Software Cloud can now set up their Jira incoming email servers using Microsoft Oauth for Microsoft Exchange email accounts. What has shipped? Back in 20...
In case you missed it: In July, we renamed Enterprise releases to Long Term Support releases and expanded our security bug fix policy. We will continue to backport critical s...
Just as a project can have many different types of work, Jira uses different issue types to help identify, categorize, and report on your team’s work. We’ll cover Jira’s standard issue types below.&n...
What are the differences between a kanban and Scrum board, and how can you decide which might be best for your project? A brief introduction. READ TIME: 10 minutes What you’ll learn ...
Search is a powerful tool for getting project data right at your fingertips. We’ll introduce the three ways you can search in Jira. READ TIME: 6 minutes This article created October 2020. ...
Update: Jira project types have been renamed. A Classic project, such as the one featured in this article, is now called a Company-managed project. A Next-gen project, is now called a Team-managed pr... easily see which items have not been started (TO DO), which items are in progress (WORKING), and which are done (DONE). Boards are very transparent in that they show the true state of the p...
New to Jira? Learn how to create issues in Jira Cloud. Looking for more learning and training resources? Keep learning: Why should I keep my issue status up to date?. Brow...
New to Jira? Avoid a common mistake by keeping all of your issues up to date. Looking for more learning and training resources? Keep learning: What’s the difference between a kanban...
New to Jira? Learn the basics about issues, the building blocks of any Jira Cloud project. Looking for more learning and training resources? Keep learning: How to create issues in J...
課題詳細画面のトランジションボタン名を変更する方法をご紹介します。 ※ こちらの記事は Jira Server 用の説明で、Jira Cloud ではご利用いただけません。 設定方法 例として課題詳細ページの「完了」ボタンの名前を変更していきます プロジェクト設定 > ワークフロー にてアクション列の鉛筆アイコンをクリック(管理者権限が必要です) ワー...
AWS Quick Start の紹介 AWS にて Data Center の環境を構築するために Quick Start テンプレートを提供しております。 Jira products on AWS Confluence Data Center on AWS Quick Start では AWS の CloudFormation を利...
Hi everyone, I'm the PM on the Media team here at Atlassian. It's been a while since the Media team rolled out updates to our front end components. We have some exciting changes coming to Jira, whi...
Update as of May 19, 2021: Hi everyone, My name is Loretta Brunette and I have recently joined Atlassian as a Product Manager working on the new issue view in Jira. Apologies we have been silent ...