...as wrong. We use a Company Managed Service Management project with various different issue types which we can successfully edit the screen layout of the issue via the settings. H...
I've recently introduced my ideas and first, second, third, and fourth version of the script for finding duplicate screens in Jira. Here's the fifth version, which not only c...
...t should be empty. only in the cloned one some value should be added. I tried to add it only to view screen, but the automation throws some errors. the strange thing is that when I tried similar t...
Hi, I wanted to set up a touchscreen so my team can approach a board and move tiles around to "Done" on their own. However, I did a quick test on my laptop's touch screen, and it turns out when u...
Hi! I have two different request types with the same issue type. I want screen 1 to appear when I close one type of request, and screen 2 to appear when I close the other type. Moreover, I...
I've begun to use the "Advanced" custom fields of "Message custom field (for view)" (and for edit), but recently I've been trying to add them onto the screens that are used in Transitions, not just t...
I've recently introduced my ideas and first, second and third version of the script for finding duplicate screens in Jira. Here's the fourth version, which not only compares the t...
Si bien tenemos validaciones en las transiciones de los workflows ha pasado que al editar un ticket se pierden ciertos datos previamente cargados Es posible agregarle una validación a la panta...
I've recently introduced my ideas and first and second version of the script for finding duplicate screens in Jira. Here's the third version, which supports both DC and Cloud Jira. It was n...
Hi guys, I recently create project in JSM, and edit fields in all screens of these project. and for issue type of service request with approval, I want add Start date but I can't add it, e...
Hello! I'm trying to figure out how to create a new Screen or Screen Scheme so that when a user hits Create and then selects the Type as Epic (out of Initiative/Epic/Story options) that the screen f...
Dear all, when i want to create issue in jira applications mobile, the linked issue field is not appear in the screen, but when i create the issue in the jira cloud web, the linked issue in appear i...
In the previous article I've introduced my ideas and first version of the script for finding duplicate screens in Jira. Here's the second version with these improvements: The code has been d...
As a Jira admin I usually want to share as much configurations as possible. I've always been struggling with the screens. I didn't find any tool to help me find out, whether there are some d...
The sticky comment field eats a huge part of the screen, leaving significantly less viewing space; and it's not needed all the time. For server and datacenter edition there's the dark feature c...
I have created a couple of new issue types (custom1 & custom 2). The new issue types will use custom fields that i do not want included within the default issue types so i created a new screen d...
I have two screens applied to an issue type screen scheme. One screen covers the Create/View Issue Actions and the other for the Edit Issue Actions. On the edit issue action, I've removed some f...
Hi Team, We have a custom field "xyz" added to one of the tabs in view/edit screen. This field is used in customer view. After the ticket is created the xyz field doesn't appear on the s...
I am using Default Field Configuration on multiple screens. When I'm trying to make a field required. It is also showing required on screens that it's not even available on. Can I make a field r...
...egular transition screen I can only use fields related to system/custom fields of the source issue. However, the source JSM project and all the target JSW projects have different field configurations, w...
Did Atlassian add the Parent field to all screens in an instance when they made their changes earlier this year? I know you can edit the parent at the top of the any issue view u...
...need REST API to get Screen tab fields. Regards, Ravi Prasad.
I am getting screens for team managed projects using https://domain.atlassain.com/rest/api/3/screens?scope=PROJECT end-point I have tried to get screen related field from that Screen b...
...ree version with team-managed project, I cannot find how to add that rule. I researched and found that I can add it by using screen. https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-add-a-c...
...ounded and does not fill the screen horizontally. How can I get it to fill the screen?
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