Hi Atlassian Community! Happy New Year! I'm Rachel, a Product Manager for Jira Service Desk Cloud at Atlassian. Today, to kick 2020 off with a bang, I’m ecstatic to bring you the news that A...
Hey there, A new look isn’t all we have coming for you in 2020. Here at the integrations team, we’ve made it 5x easier for you to create reports using the Jira Cloud for Google Sheets add-on with 5...
...void maintenance windows for your site. For example, suppose your company sits in EST, specify 9 am in UTC: 0 0 9 ? * 1,4 (2-2) Webhook body {"cbAttachments":"true" } (3...
Pair Programming is quite common among small agile teams or when on-boarding someone new to the team. I have been pair programming for 2 years during my time at ThoughtWorks. Credits:...
Have you ever wanted to swap out a Jira filter subscription email with a Slack message? Or remind users each morning of issues they have open for a project in Jira? Something like th...
現在のJira CloudではWebhookに関するログを閲覧することができないためデバッグが難しくなりがちです※1,2。今回はWebhook.site を利用したデバッグの方法をご紹介します。 ■手順 Webhook.site にアクセスすると下記画像のような画面が表示されるので赤枠内のURLをコピーします。 コピーしたURLをJiraのWebhook...
One of the things I get asked often when new users try out Jira is "how do I see recent comments mentioning me?" And maybe Jira Cloud gets this asked often as well since they've reworked landing page...
Welcome everyone, My name is Mary Ramirez and during the day I work as an Atlassian Support Lead for Isos Technology. When I’m not doing my fancy cool job, I’m typically nose deep into the l...
Back in 2009, when we started our software organization to tap in the B2B market, our issue management stack was extremely simple, a single installation of age-old open-source tool Mantis Bug Tracker...
Hi Atlassian community, A few months ago, we offered a sneak peak of the new hierarchy view on the roadmap. Thank you for all the feedback (and excitement) and for helping us shape the direction of...
Note September 2020: FastTrack is now Report Builder! We’ve updated our time tracking app and added multiple new features. Read more about what Report Builder can do for you and your time tracki...
...の週2回の実行とする。また メンテナンス時間 はサービス利用ができなくなるため 19:00 (UTC) を指定する。 0 0 19 ? * 1,4 (2-2) Webhook body {"cbAttachments":"true" } ■ (3) Jira向けサイトバックアップのルールを作成する 続いて Jira Cloud 向けの設定を...
We are excited to share that AWS Service Catalog Connectors for Jira Service Desk (JSD) Cloud and JSD Server/Data Center are now available in the Atlassian Marketplace. Users can now request admin-ap...
Background Earlier this month, we upgraded our production Jira DC environment from Jira 7.13.11 to Jira 8.5.1. The instance is on the larger end of the scale (14,000 projects, 1.4M issues, ~ 10,000 ...
Hi Atlassian Community I work on the Jira Software product team and I am happy to share that we have just added support for releases and versions in next-gen projects for Jira Software Cloud. You c...
Do you have weekly sprints and create sprint names using the year and week number? Remember to create the early 2020 sprints as week 01, week 02 etc. This makes sprint selection a l...
Wikipedia defines a contract as “A contract is a legally binding agreement which recognizes and governs the rights and duties of the parties to the agreement.” In simpler terms, it is the corners...
I wanted to write an article on how TechTime creates monthly customer reports by harnessing the data and features in Confluence and Jira, with the help of macros and Marketplace Apps of course. ...
Hello community! I wanted to give you insight about the most asked question from customers and how we solved this problem. First of all, I want to emphasize that this is not a good idea. To assign ...
Jiraでは「時間の管理」フィールドで タイムトラッキング を実現できますが、一日の終りに時間の記録を忘れないようリマインダーを送りたいことがあります。 ここでは無償のアドオンアプリ Automation for Jira (A4J) で2つの自動化ルールを使うことで、プログラミングなしで実現する方針を紹介します。 ■対象環境 Jira C...
Introducing Jira Cloud for Excel Here at the product integrations team at Atlassian, we are thrilled to announce the new Jira Cloud for Excel add-in! This add-in lets you export Jira data directly ...
To sub-task or not to sub-task, that is the question Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of workflow and post-function configuration Or to take arms against a sea of ...
...ear. This email will include detailed information about what your users will experience once the new navigation is live. For more frequent updates you can follow our public Jira ticket. We are also p...
Atlassian server products can be installed using a Docker image as well as an installer running directly on your OS. Official docker image for Jira is published in Atlassian repository in Docker hub...
As @Bridget mentioned - it is spring in Australia, time for house cleaning. Well, we, Europeans are half a year behind or forward (depends on perspective), but it does not matter. Rules of ...