Hello community!
I wanted to give you insight about the most asked question from customers and how we solved this problem.
First of all, I want to emphasize that this is not a good idea. To assign an issue to multiple users is always a bad idea and you should always avoid it if you can. This is because, it's against the nature of Jira itself and it creates a problem with accountability. If an issue has multiple assignees, than you can't probably know who is responsible and also who did the most work, so it messes up the performance statistics.
But, if a customer wants something, they want something. Sometimes as a consultant, all you can do is explain why this is a bad idea and convince them otherwise but still commit to the idea. We got this question from multiple customers so we decided to at least create a solution and this is what we did:
Customers who mostly use this system uses a performance evaluation based on how many issues a user solves. Again, this is not an ideal solution but this is how we solved it.
Hope this helps someone out there struggling with this issue.
Elifcan Cakmak
111 accepted answers