Welcome everyone,
My name is Mary Ramirez and during the day I work as an Atlassian Support Lead for Isos Technology. When I’m not doing my fancy cool job, I’m typically nose deep into the latest and greatest articles in the Atlassian Community. My favorite being those in the Diversity and Inclusion group.
Lately a topic I continue to see asked is around Governance.
All of these questions are fully loaded. Like a fully loaded nacho supreme. And there’s so many layers to it but each ingredient is vital. So let's uncover it.
One piece of advice that I give to organizations using Atlassian products is to have a Guild in place. Some refer to it as a Jira Guild or a Change Advisory Board. Why is this important Mary? Well, we often do a good job at employing the greatest Atlassian Administrators in the market. But as the humans that we are, we don’t always have the correct answer for every situation.
Our products and processes can be complex. From the way it’s implemented to the purchases we have to make. I think of it like raising a kid. Have you ever heard of the saying “it takes a village?” Well think of your Atlassian products as your kid(s), it takes a village to keep it a float.
For this article, let’s start establishing the foundation of a guild. Before starting anything, I recommend you plan. Sit down with your team and answer the following questions:
While these are very high level questions, they’re essential to nail down before contacting potential Guild members and introducing the Guild to your organization.
I hope you found this useful and if you have any questions, comments or tips, please feel free to comment below and share with the community. Thank you for stopping by :)
Mary Ramirez
Isos Technology
Phoenix, AZ
17 accepted answers
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