Hi Is is possible to get all requests from service desk API of certain request type, or rather to exclude certain requestTypeId from the response? like rest/servicedeskapi/request/?requestTy...
It is possible to filter an e-mail!? è possible to create scheme of notifications of solicitations!? Example: While receiving a solicitation for email of the domain @gmail.com, the JIRA will be go...
Hello, when our customers create new ticket there is not any notification for our support team. Is there any kind of AUDIO or POP-UP notification when someone create a new ticket so that we dont mi...
I am supposed to evaluate Service Desk for my company. When I go to https://randmcnally.jira.com/servicedesk/ , I see the message "You don't have access to any portals." How do I gain access to a "p...
Even when logged in as admin I cannot create a new report because after clicking the "add new series" button nothing happends. Thanks for any feedback! Kind regards Andreas
Is it possible to add a column to a queue with the total of sub-tasks that are 'Unresolved'? We keep track of employee de-boarding in Jira and like to have a clear way of knowing when all sub-tasks ...
Hi, according to my colleagues, they have been unable to tag me in JIRA. My name is not coming up for them. How can I fix this?
I have Tenable network security documentation explaining how bidirectional ticketing available but i think it only works for JIRA SERVER. Could someone confirm that and if this same bidirection...
Hi all, I just had a quick question about attachments. If I disable attachments in Jira Service Desk, will it remove all attachments that have been attached to older tickets? Or will it just preven...
The Jira Service Desk customer portal has a very strange UX. If I don't have any knowledge base, the screen is mostly empty. There is an customer profile icon on the top right which has...
Some information we get it from the help document. But need more explanation on the same. If anything with example is greatly appreciated.
When I click Add customers in a Service-desk the users doesn't receive an EMail.
Hi, We want to delete all issues and start the new counter from 1 again. Is that possible? Maybe without deleting the project? ;) Kind Regards Mathias
I did find this page: https://confluence.atlassian.com/servicedeskcloud/troubleshooting-issues-with-the-email-channel-732528950.html and it says that there should be a test mail button... but I can't...
I have some questions about best practice how to set up our Service Desk environment. We have 8 teams and all of us both handle support and development issues. We have been using Jira for all issues ...
Hi, I'm looking for a way to display issues which share the same value in a custom field. Lets call this custom field "ID" We have a team which when working on issues, needs to see if other ...
I have Jira service desk support portal. In my case, anonim users can request without login. Can I give permission or set for anonim users change language in their support request page?
Добрый день. Нужно настроить форму обратной связи на сайте. (добавить виджет) Я так понимаю это возможно сделать только в ServiceDesk jira? Нужно что бы пользователь(незарегистрированный в...
We allow users to submit JSD issues via email. Unfortunately, some of our users have a second email address and respond to the SAME issue, using a different email address. ...
We are currently running Jira and Confluence. We plan to install Jira Service Desk and roll our existing 2 service desks into it as well as connect Jira, Confluence and Salesforce to it. ...
Hi everyone, Our team is using Jira for our Kanban board and it’s working really well for us. There are a few features we’d love to have to make it work even better for us, and I was hoping you Jira...
The issue is the following. We have all the incoming support emails turn into service desk issues. Sometimes it happens that a customer does not just reply to the intial email/reply ...
Hello! We get users from ActiveDirectory. The user profile displays groups that I would not like to show. How can I hide them or not get these groups from AD, and use only local ones? In three ...
Customers multiple have tickets under the email and company name but they are not able to access them and these tickets don't show under their open requests. Please help. Thanks in adv...
How do we automatically change the status of an issue when emailing someone via the JETI (Jira Email This Issue) add-on?
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