We are currently facing an issue with our Azure AD integration. We have integrated Azure AD with our on-premises AD for user provisioning and SSO, following the official manual. However, we e...
...ign-On (SSO) and user/group provisioning. This gap leaves Atlassian admins without an efficient method to synchronize users & groups between Atlassian Cloud and AD, complicating user management a...
In the realm of enterprise collaboration tools, Jira and Confluence Data Center stand out for their robust capabilities and scalability. However, user experience is key to leveraging these tools effe...
...llowed":false,"reason":{"key":"authPolicy.saml"}}}} Ok, so I assume this is because we need to use the User Provisioning API to manipulate users in the SSO policy. However, when I try to use t...
I want to setup Google Workspace user sync'ing. But ... "During a sync, we create accounts for new users and email them Atlassian account, product access, and login details. You can add a personal ...
Hey, We have recently enabled SSO and now would like to sync a group from Azure AD into Jira for customers only. If I enable provisioning in Azure AD for this 1 group, will it affect the A...
Hello Folks, Are you looking to automate the provisioning of your users/groups for your Atlassian suite? Join our free webinar to find out how miniOrange's advanced provisioning add-ons make i...
Hello Folks, Are you looking to automate the provisioning of your users/groups for your Atlassian suite? Join our free webinar to find out how miniOrange's advanced provisioning add-ons make i...
...'m now working on SCIM user provisioning (from the same Azure AD to the same Enterprise App as used for SAML). My questions are with adding scoping filters. Or - maybe there is some other m...
...ith our User Provisioning add-on, which can help you to handle your users/employees instantly and painlessly. Wondering how is it possible? We will help you to understand exactly how it can be done....
There are 9 users in the directory. But the scim api /Users only returns 6 users, and sometimes it return 0 users. curl --location --request GET 'https://api.atlassian.com/scim/directo...
We use cloud version of Jira and this error is popping up on the sync with our Azure AD. We use the group WAGGROUP_Everyone to sync our AzureAD users to Jira cloud. 1. import from azure active direc...
...ecently, I've worked together with a customer who wanted to leverage Atlassian Access's user provisioning to automate the access grant for portal-only users of their company, these users have Atlassian a...
We are going to be using Atlassian Access and SCIM to provision our users. We've had a successful proof of concept regarding provisioning of Agents into groups such as "ITS Agents" and "Site Admins"....
I turned on Access for a trial to make sure it will work for us and the company would be willing to pay for it. I have configured the domain, captured our accounts, setup okta SAML and turned on provisioning...
I have read numerous articles about provisioning into Atlassian Cloud using Azure AD, but I am not finding the details around assigning the Atlassian apps to each individual. Say I want some people o...
...eems to me that the "just-in-time provisioning" is not working. When I log in to Trello with my adminaccount that is created both in Trello Admin Console and in Azure SSO works fine. Any s...
I have created provisioning between "Okta" and Jira site. But what I need is when I assign already existing user, I want him to update the credentials and not create a new user. How d...
We have enabled user provisioning from Okta to Atlassian. The application on Okta application network used is JIRA Cloud (Atlassian). I do believe the provisioning accures via API call from O...
I have implemented SSO/SAML for an On-Prem JIra Core 7 installation using Okta's instructions. When attempting the enable the provisioning section in Okta, I am prompted to test the API credentials t...
We would like to be able to provision users in Jira/Confluence via our SSO provider (OneLogin) which is connected to our AD environment. Is there a way to automate the provision of Jira/Confluence cl...
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