We have some users that use grouping by labels on their plans. It seems there was a change recently where their plan that has epics and stories is showing stories in groups that don't have t...
As we evolve the public status page for our company, we are setting up a back-office to manage what components appear. For that we have a very basic Dev -> Test -> Prod setup, and we are w...
...ncountered a problem: in our on-premises AD, there are about 300-400 groups that share the same logical name, but their system names are different. Group provisioning in Azure AD is based on the group n...
Bonjour, Je souhaite mettre en place un système d'équipes dans Jira CLOUD . Lorsqu'un ticket serait qualifié via un champ à multiples sélections (pour qualifier le problème selon si c'est ma...
I am trying to create some automation rule where group field is filled in Automatically based on component. If component is A, then Groups field should have Group A and if component is B then group...
We use JPD to create a roadmap on initiative level across teams by using a timeline view grouped by "team". Usually, more than one team needs to contribute to an initiative so the i...
Hi Atlassian Community Leaders, I recently applied to join the Atlassian Authors group on August 29th, but I’m still waiting for approval. I’m planning to launch an app soon and intend to publish s...
How to allow only one group to create and edit a specific task in several projects?
...ctivation, deactivation, etc. Curious about how you can filter out users? You can do so based on the following criteria: Group: Seamlessly filter users based on their groups Active or I...
I am trying to group by category in the list view in Jira. Which by my research is something that can be done. But category does not appear as an option for me to group by. Furthermore I am unable t...
I don't want to have to speak to the Jira Site administrators, who can access `admin.atlassian.com`, in order to do something as simple as create a group in Jira. I have a team, and I would e...
Hi there, I'm new to Jira Automation (Cloud) and trying to create an automation rule that creates subtasks for users in a selected group from a custom single group field. yep, not an easy task for a...
Hy, I would like to group tickets via stucture, but don't group some :) My tickets : TA1 (labels : empty ; project : "Project A") TA2 (labels : empty ; project : "Project A") T...
We have integrated Bitbucket with LDAP, all permissions are managed via LDAP groups. For each Bitbucket project we have 2 LDAP groups: - p123-member --> project write permission - p123-m...
👋Hey Jira Admins, It's Hind from Jaanga, and if you're an Admin, group management is probably already a significant part of your daily workload. The more users you have in your organization t...
I'd like to use Group A is a transition condition, if, depending on a field value, I can copy one of several groups to group A in an automation. If that can't be done, can I create multi-user F...
I added a user to a group (which has the "Team members" role) and additionally added him with the role “Delivery Manager“ via the People > Add button. Somehow, he ended up in the jira-users group...
I want the automation rule to help me assign to a group of users by default when the sub-task is created. How do I do that? Which field should I use (single/multiple), how do I create the group (is i...
Hey folks, In our last episode of the Crowd Bulk User Management series, we explored how the miniOrange User Management app for Crowd simplifies auto user deactivation and group removal. B...
Would really help to be able to group together columns within topics - for example have all the columns relating to finance sit under a Finance group. That way it would help people compartmentalise l...
Hello all, We have Atlassian Access configured with our SSO provider (Azure AD). This is working great for our tools (i.e. Bitbucket), but I'm not finding a way to associate the Atlassian Account group...
We are trying to do some cleanup for groups that contain disabled users. We need to remove disabled users from groups when the disabled user has been disabled for x number of months. I"m not c...
In today's busy business world, it's super important for companies to manage user identities effectively. If your organization uses Atlassian Crowd to handle lots of different apps, it's like making ...
I need to group people based on discipline, but cannot use any grouping that is already in structure, so I must use a custom group formula. After a ton of trial and error, I believe I have found a b...
Trying to make lists of people and group them, but can't seem to figure out the right syntax to do this with in formula for Structure. What is wrong with the formula here? ARRAY1 = ARRAY((a...
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