Two part question: a. How do I access the Parent's ? I created a Transition parent issue to put a Story into an "In Progress" status when one of its sub-tasks...
I have two customfields: X and Y. The fields are dependent to each other; when X is populated with invalid data, Y becomes required field and X will be hidden. The same is true for X. When Y i...
I'm using the iframe macro and for some sites it just takes the user to the site instead of loading the site in the iframe on the page where I have the macro. I think it might have something to do wi...
I administer a very large Jira instance with nearly five hundred projects, and we're moving to a new instance soon. I'm trying to test all of the add-ons that we still use (and verifying which ones w...
I accidently deleted data from a working ConfiForm while creating a new one and now I don't have the data I need. How do I restore it?
...( "Authorization", "Basic ${authString}" ); connection.requestMethod = "POST"; connection.doOutput = true; connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8"); c...
Hello, How To close a linked issue in JIRA Cloud using script runner? We get tickets through service desk jira, we create a linked ticket in one of the projects and work on the linked tickets. We n...
Hi - I'm ultimately trying to pull data fields entered into a form in Confluence (Confiforms) into my email marketing platform. The IFTTT send email functionality for Confiforms doesn't let me do wha...
JIRA Quick subtasks addon v4.7 with JIRA 7.2.8 #52: Placeholders in the subtask summary does not work. As mentioned in the link I tried to provide sub task summary as -${key}: ${summa...
Can we see all assigned taks for a user in the tempo timesheets view, not only those with time reported ? Thanks
I have followed the directions from [support documentation] to configure the Confluence/Jira integration for this add-on but the console in Confluence always throws a 401 error when trying to add Jir...
Hello. I just installed add-on because when I wanted to edit a diagram through confluence the browser showme next mesage. "Unsupported version, please upgrade." Nevertheles...
Hi, How can I read the value of a drop-down custom field in Groovy on Jira Cloud? For now I'm using split token which is quite retarded: def myDropDownList = issue.fields[myDropDownListCfId...
Hi, Is there is any way to export the steps of test cases without using Xporter app? From what I read here ("Recent versions of Jira give the ability to export issues, including Xray Tes...
I'm creating a scaffolding based page, with a table, in which I create a few drop-downs menues. If I create that drop-down menu, I can use "Edit Content" to use that drop-down menu. I can choose betw...
I have some dashboard with the gadget "SumUp filter gadget" like this : I have also some group wich users can see this global result (datas hidden by red are confidencial), but shou...
although i disabled "time tracking" for issues, there is still the tempo worklog section on every issue. How can i disable it by default - we us jira cloud.
Given below is the API I used to get the worklog for a particular user or in a particular project. We are using this API to get the worklog in Jira Add-on development using Javascript. htt...
hi I need to know, how I can install the jar file ( aio-app-powerbi-1.0.2). is it on client side or on the Jira server. with best regards Praseej
My setup is as follows: I have implemented branching model: development (default), release and production (master) I enabled automatic merge Merge strategies - --ff-only Jenkins Jobs: fil...
hi, please help me in understanding how it can be achieved below scenarios? Please find out a display chart/widget in JIRA Which would display me “all the Linked” issues in a hierarchy&nbs...
I am trying to write an automation rule to sum up the values of a field in all linked issues to populate a field in the triggering issue. I'm using the For Linked Issues branch, and have specified t...
Is there a script or add-on that allows you to pull data from attachments in a ticket, and auto-populate fields? I've scoured the internet but seem to come up short.
Will cloaked content load on page load or wait to be requested when someone clicks on it? Or for more context- deeply nested pages cause slow page loads, will cloaking this content to be tog...
Hi, I'm trying the Bamboo Sonarqube plugin to perform incremental Sonarqube scans for our feature and bugfix branches. We are using : - free version of Sonarqube server 7.1 - Bamboo 6.1.0 - ...
Subject | Author | Posted |
July 18, 2024 5:25 AM PDT | ||
July 16, 2024 1:38 AM PDT | ||
July 15, 2024 5:35 AM PDT | ||
July 12, 2024 2:06 PM PDT | ||
July 11, 2024 8:15 AM PDT |