Bamboo Sonarqube incremental scan : first scan always full

Nicolas_Grussenmeyer July 17, 2018


I'm trying the Bamboo Sonarqube plugin to perform incremental Sonarqube scans for our feature and bugfix branches.

We are using :

- free version of Sonarqube server 7.1

- Bamboo 6.1.0

- Sonar for Bamboo 1.7.11


Issue :

The problem is that when it first creates the Bamboo build (when the PR is created as advised in the plugin) the first build is always a full build. After that all the other builds are incremental for this branch (as expected).

I would like to know if it's supposed to work like this or if i misconfigured the plugin. I thought it would work like the following :

You create a PR which triggers the new branch build plan => it runs an incremental analysis based on the modified files from the first commit for this branch and is able to retrieve the unmodified data from the origin branch.


Any ideas?


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Michael Rüegg _Mibex Software_
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January 17, 2019


Please excuse my very late response.

The app is supposed to incrementally analyze the project already with the first build. There must be a problem with the configuration. What would help me a lot is a screen shot of the task configuration and the build log. Could you please create a support ticket at with this information?


Michael (app vendor)

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