Managing tasks effectively in Jira is essential for teams aiming for high efficiency. However, default assignment workflows can sometimes lead to inefficiencies—tasks might not reach the right teams,...
Managing tasks and workflows efficiently is at the heart of every successful project. With smart assignment options you can take task / issue management to new heights by focusing on automation, cust...
JSM Assets is a good tool. JMWE is a great tool. Together, they are greater than the sum of their parts. Note: for the remainder, "automation" or "rule" or variants thereof all refer to JMWE. The p...
I have several JMWE scheduled actions that just seem to stop running. One, for example, is currently set to run at 40 minutes past each hour, and transitions items that match the JQL to a resolved st...
Hello, I need help in converting below groovy in nunjuck code for adding in my one of workflow jmwe condition: dayofTheWeek(stringToDate(%(EpicName), "dd/MM", "eng", "US"), USER_LOCAL) = {FRIDAY} i...
Hello, I am trying to get date last time issue was transitioned to In Progress. Currently I only managed to do that when issue is in the mentioned status: {{ issue | fieldHistory("Status") | last ...
Hi team, I am unable to add attachments or labels on a closed issue .i have checked workflow properties but there doesnt seem to be any property there anything else to be checked. Can you ...
Hello, How is it possible to add mentioned user(s) in comments to Watchers using JMWE plugin? Thanks in advance!
Hello, I am trying to filter issues which have moved from Project A to any other project historically and labels = X with JMWE plugin. How is this possible? Thank you in advance
Hi, To add the value of a number customfield to a date field in a Set Issue Fileds Post Function I'm trying on this way as Groovy script: new Date() + issue.get("customfield_21011...
Hello Community I have created an LDAP Scripted field "Abteilung", which shows the departments of all employees. The problem is that I can't remove the duplicate departments from this new field. A...
Hello, I want to send a slack message with webhook from JMWE app like it is in Jira native automation on a certain trigger. How is it possible to post the webhook.
Hello, I want to add validator on multiple choice custom field like this: customfield_10110.includes ("Option_A", "Option_B") If there is Option A, or Option B in multilpe ...
When we want to submit a status, from status A to status B, there is a validation to compare the current date (the day the status was submitted) and the value of the MoA Signed Date field. - If the ...
I have a field called Application which is select list cascading (parent and child values) For eg: When parent value selected as Chrome and child value selected as "Install plugin" Only in this cas...
Is it possible to create a validator (using a JMWE script), use it in a transition and have it add users (only add, not delete) in a Multiple Pick User Custom Field and keep the original user from be...
I would like to access the table/location where JMWE plugin stores the "Transitions tab" data for every issue? Can someone please help?
Hello Atlassian Community, I'm facing a challenge in automating a part of our workflow in Jira and would appreciate any advice or solutions you might have. Our process involves creating an e...
Hi, A customer of my registered a Story with multiple sub-tasks. Now they want to use a validator to enforce that running a review task is not done by the same user/assignee who ran the test repo...
I need an Epic to create a couple stories and Tasks. The problem I am running into is that I can't figure out how to set the Parent field. I have tried to manually set it using multiple fields but I...
We are migrating to the Cloud and I need help with these post-fucntion scripts that are currently working on JMWE Server. The scripts were written by the legend David Fischer and I'm hopping he can r...
I have successfully created an event-based action that creates subtasks for all users in a multi-user picker list (called 'Reviewers') upon the creation of an issue. Now I want to do the same only f...
Hi Community ! I'm developing a Groovy Script on a transition on a workflow. During the transition, I show a screen where the user can select some elements from a checklist (custom field). All of th...
Hello, is there a way in Jira DC to hide a password being used in a JMWE groovy validator code?
Hello Community. kindly guide, i am using post function to "comment on issue" and have a below condition issue.get("issuetype")?.name == "Demand"&&issue.get("priority")?.name == "3-Major"||...
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