I have two forms. The "Lookup" form which is populated with a list of team names and their corresponding team email address (one to one relationship). The Release form which will be submitted by the ...
Confiforms able to create ticket from Confluence to jira, can the data from jira be replicated back to the confluence page inside the confiforms table. Like i am giving summary, issuetype, a...
Hi, I have a form with multiple fields. I want a table to show results filtered by if a summary field contains the word "TBD" and "Not now" On a slightly separate note. Can I filter by chara...
I need to submit an entry for either Options A or Options B, I have a dropdown field in my ConfiForm which has these two options. Once the user selects Option A in the dropdown, I want text in...
Hey there, I have a Registration Control in which I want to preset values for a Webservice Dropdown field. The Webservice Dropdown is configured as follows: Webservice Connection: ...
@Alex Medved _ConfiForms_ Hello! My question is about using formulas I have a table where I sum values within a row using ConfiForms Rules for Field Definition. Now I need to s...
form data contains date in format yyyyMMdd. data is displaced in a table with a Confiform for filter control linked to the form data and table using the filter ID. Filter works for other fields whe...
Hi, I am trying to make a 3 dimensional table of the following fields: Product, Mode and Feature, where the intersection between the 3 will have a status (Available, Not Available, Planned). Whil...
Hello, I have a form that allows user to submit an item to my confiforms and it creates 2 pages. I would like for the second page that it creates to be only viewable by a small amount of people. (I w...
Hi, I have a confiform form with several field definition rules (lookup and set value) which take some time to finish execution. The problem I have is that people would often submit the form before ...
Is there a way to hide the headers row on a confiform tableview? Thanks in advance
Dear Community, recently I created a confiforms app consisting of 3 Pages in confluence. One page essentially contains the master data, the other page is used for registration and the third page i...
Hey there, so I have the following problem: Every now and then I add new IFTTT's to my Forms that trigger on modified / on created. This ofc affacts the newly created / modified entries...
I have set up a form to create procedures. It has status field which contains {pending, approved, active, closed}. After being closed, occasionally, I would like to reuse a specific...
Hi, I need to assign a value from another form and display it in a table. For example, once a record is submitted in Form A, I want it to be displayed automatically in Form B. However, I don...
Is it possible to create rules based on whether certain fields are hidden? I have a form with primary dropdown whose options enable/show corresponding hidden secondary dropdowns and these se...
Hi, I need a possibility to add a month to a startdate. I tried it via IFTTT macro, when the startDate is changed (onModified): entryId=[entry.id]&CalculatedEndDate=[entry.StartDate.formatDat...
Hi there, I currently have 2 forms on 2 pages. Lets say form 1 holds a master list of 3 fields: name, subject, clasroom (some names will be associated with multiple subjects) form 2 is where I gat...
When trying to generate a new Jira Issue with a Parent Link as a 'default' parent for all submissions, I receive the below error. I'm unsure why it appears this way as I...
I'm trying to return the link for a newly created page via Confiform IFTTT as outlined in https://wiki.vertuna.com/display/CONFIFORMS/Creating+links+in+original+ConfiForms+entry+to+just+c...
...f context/understanding when I'm reading through the vertuna wiki on confiforms. It seems that most people here with similar issues to me have a better foundation of knowledge and don't share the e...
Hello, Is it possible to add a line break / new line to separate the information submitted from ConfiForms when in this format? See location of desired separation marked 'H...
Hi all, I'm having issues with creating what I'd call a complex ConfiForm and pushing the data ingo a Jira Create Issue via API. Please have a look at my Code Block, Error being received a...
Hi team, i am trying to send an email only when the event is modified (but specifically when the confirm form field "StatusRequest" is updated to "Completed" I don't want to send the email when other...
I have been struggling to get a conditionally required field to show a red asterisk via javascript for a few days now and finally decided I need some help figuring out what I'm doing wrong. I have a...
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