How To close a linked issue in JIRA Cloud using script runner?

miller j
July 18, 2018


How To close a linked issue in JIRA Cloud using script runner?

We get tickets through service desk jira, we create a linked ticket in one of the projects and work on the linked tickets. We need to automate the process of closing the service desk ticket when the linked ticket is closed.


Thanks a mil.

1 answer

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Kristian Walker _Adaptavist_
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July 23, 2018

Hi MIller,

In order to achieve your requirement you would need to create a scripted post function on the workflow for the linked ticket that uses the Do Transition rest API described here

The post function  would then need to use this API to execute the transition to Done on the issue in the service  project so that this issue gets closed when the linked issue gets closed. 

However this functionality comes built into Jira Service Desk under the Automation Rules which Jira Service Desk provides as described here

Using the automatin rules you could create a rule in the service desk project which states that when the linked issue is closed that the service desk issue should be closed. 

I have enclosed below an example of what the Automation rule would look like to close the service desk issue when a linked issue is closed. 

Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 17.21.57.png


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Kristian Walker _Adaptavist_
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July 25, 2018

Hi Miller,

Thank you for voting for this answer.

If this issue has solved your requirement can you please mark it as accepted so that other users can see it is correct when searching for similar answers.



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