Hi, after migrating statuspage to our atlassian account and enabling the jira integration, I can see that I am now able to create and manage statuspage incidents from within a jira ticket. However, I...
We see a copmonent in state "Major Outage" while maintenance is ongoing. Maintenance was scheduled correctly with the right component. But while the component was under maintence our monitoring trigg...
Hello, is there a possibility to disable a component within the Statuspage? Today the option "delete" appears but I would like to "disable" because we are not using a specific component at this time...
I recently applied new CSS theme to Statuspage. However, I can't seem to customize the text color of the component dropdown under the Uptime tab. Does the styling for this dropdown get updated throug...
Hi! We have a statuspage for a large bank customer. We do planned maintenances typically in week-ends. When we do this it would be very beneficial if all updates to the components / incidents to the...
This may be a very basic question but it wasn't clear to me when reviewing the documentation... do our viewer users (non-adims) need to create new Atlassian Accounts as well at our Admin use...
Disclaimer: I'm not a web developer and have only the basic level concepts. We are preparing to move forward on utilizing statuspage.io and a part of this will be to embed the content page into our ...
Hello, Is there any chance to reduce 90 days ago down to 1 week (7 days) or even 24 h ? There is an option when you change viewport width to reduce the number down to 60 and 30 days and as well r...
hi Atlassian team, How do we remove old trial statuspages from our list of active StatusPages?? See the list of Pages in the left hand pane -Aperture Test Page -GPCS test -InfraTest&...
Disclaimer - I am not at all a developer... When I add some HTML code to the customer header, the subscribe to updates button will disappear from my status page. Not sure why....
I have a need to monitor thousands of B2B transactions, and to display only the B2B sites that are "down." When the customer site is "up" I want them to be removed from the list. Can this be done? ...
Slack is already supported, and Mattermost accepts the same format messages. Even if it was only listed as a Slack-compatible option in the fine-print of the subscribe dialogue, that would be great. ...
I have many components but in this case I want a component to send all its updates to a slack channel. Let's call that component x. I also have the slack app enabled and I have a slack channel calle...
Hi, So I can open/close Filter Components by clicking on button "Filter Components" (History page). Is it possible to close dropdown by clicking anywhere on the page? Thanks!
For Status page can we have more than one owner as aback up?
I have two different pages in status page -- one internal and one external. I've separated the user accounts to have access to the internal page or the external page. But all users get notifications ...
Occasionally we get attackers sending team member access requests. How do we disable the mechanism for requesting access? I want to ensure that no user accidentally approves a request from a look-al...
Hello, Any issues with statuspage? I can't access any of our orgs? I've refreshed multiple times
I want to turn off the emails to statuspage admins notifying about long-running incidents. I'm unable to find anything in Your Page or any sub-sections pertaining to this config.
Hi All, I am working with someone who uses Statuspage. I am already a subscriber to them and get an alert when they have an incident. I want to know if I can amend certain areas of the incoming aler...
Hi, I am new to Statuspage and I am currently experiencing an error 400 when I try to update a Statuspage component via AWS Lambda. This is the code for the lambda function I am using: i...
Hello, I'd like to disable Auto-Refresh (reload) of my status page. It looks like the page is refreshed every minute or so. Can you please tell me how to disable this feature? Should I add some cu...
I could be mistaken, but it seems that "Get a Metric" on the StatusPage api just gets the metric metadata. Is it possible to retrieve the data points that had been posted to /pages/{page_id}/met...
...ncidents occurring at the time of publication) 2. Having the original subject heading pop up in a subscribers inbox could lead to premature heart failure! Is there some best practice for what we s...
Hi, There is a line of colour that reflects the impact of the incident within the email notification. We recently noticed this line remains red, amber or yellow in the resolved notification wh...
Subject | Author | Posted |
January 29, 2025 4:02 PM PST | ||
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