Hi, I want to create certain reports in JIRA using eazyBI and send a email notification on a frequency to the stakeholders? How is it feasible? Thanks, Sid
Hi, I can't install Automation. When I put "Start free trial" it opens the web https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.atlassian.net/plugins/servlet/upm/marketplace/plugins/com.codebarrel.addons.automation and...
I am trying to replicate the functionality from this page https://www.adaptavist.com/doco/display/F4C/iv.+Creating+a+issue+in+JIRA+by+submitting+a+form+in+Confluence However when i try to reuse...
Question- Can I write a rule that from specific address ( sender email ID) AND some keyword in Subject would create the issue with some specific issue attributes ?
Hi, Considering an example where I create two Stories under an Epic. Now, I create some Xray tests under each Story so that the Story requirements are covered. When I go back to the Story's parent ...
Hi, I have a requirement where I need to add a new Test Type for Xray Tests. So, in addition to the existing test types (Manual/Cucumber/Generic), is there a way to add a custom test type? Thanks, ...
Hello, I would like to know if in the daily backup of jira all data of data campaign are saved too ? Thank you
Hello Community. My teams very like to use Better Code macro which was installed to our Confluence Cloud, but unfortunately, when we try to export page to PDF or Word, there is nothing on the page fi...
Hello, I am looking for a webhook that will call my api whenever a user uses the Plan Time feature or when planning is updated. This is used by out organization to manage holidays and we need to ...
We're using Sonar via sonarcloud.io (Sonar Cloud). Is it known whether or not this works together with the Sonar for Bitbucket Cloud extension?
Following API query causes HTTP 500 code: https://jiradc.int.net.nokia.com/rest/api/2/search?jql=project%3DSOAM&startAt=3000&validateQuery=True&fields=parent&fields=timespent&f...
How can I achieve this with JMWE Misc Workflow Extensions on Cloud? I have a role called "Support" with different members depending on the jira project. Every project in my instance has this role wi...
We are trying to create a dashboard for our project. We currently use the Handy Status Marketplace Add-on. There are a number of handy status' on the child pages and I want a single handy status on t...
If a file appears to be "deleted", you cannot upload another file of the same name. One should be able to either Actually delete the file, or overwrite what is currently there
Hi everyone, I'm trying to use a regex to scape special characters, right now used it on Java and works perfect, it does exactly what I want `Scape any special character` however I tried this in Groo...
They say up to 10 users is $5 per month. Does it mean that I will have the tool available to be used by up to 10 people from the 300 I have registered in Jira my company or that I will have to p...
Hello, isn't the maximum JVM Memory usually set as the max heap by default? Screenshot attached with our current configuration, assuming that XMX is the heap size. https://documentation.riada.se/in...
Hi I am looking at the possibility of installing this product, to integrate our JIRA instance with MS Teams. However, there is a warning that our information may be stored on SoftServe's serve...
On our JIRA instance we have noticed that in certain cases the ownerId of a user is their email and not the username. However, when User Avatar constructs the url for the reviewer field, it always us...
Hi there, I see the supported versions are: Confluence Cloud and Confluence Server 6.0.7 - 6.7.3 In terms of Confluence Server, later versions exist (e.g. 6.10). Will the plugin "just work" wit...
We have time sheet for displaying log works but it displays log hours only for one project:IT Request I tried change configuration from IT Request to None.(For displaying log hours for all pro...
Hi, I am using the "Insight Jira & Bitbucket Integration" plugin which has created JIRA user and group objects. I would like to set up a Confluence page that uses the Insight Confluence ma...
This plugin Happens to work fine while I try to trigger a Job in Jenkins in Home Folder. Whereas when I try to trigger a job from subfolder in Jenkins , Get an error "Job Not Found" J...
Hi, I've tried everything. I want to export JQL searchresult (Epics & Tasks) to Word in iterations with this schema > Epic A: - Task 1 - Task 2 > Epic...
Hi all, Recently we discovered users using mobile app bypass all TEMPO settings. For example, users through the app can log in a closed period (!). How can we disable work log in the app (or at lea...
Subject | Author | Posted |
July 18, 2024 5:25 AM PDT | ||
July 16, 2024 1:38 AM PDT | ||
July 15, 2024 5:35 AM PDT | ||
July 12, 2024 2:06 PM PDT | ||
July 11, 2024 8:15 AM PDT |