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×I'm having issues with a Form that customers are uploading non-breaking space characters into a Long Text field. Using regex testing sites I was able to get the following pattern: [^\h...
Hi All, Ive been spinning my wheels here so I figured I would reach out. I am trying to create an automation to copy the following date format to the Start date field (date picker) Format...
Hi, We are experiencing an issue with the Regex field validator in the JIRA transition workflow. Could anyone help identifing why the following Regex fails? ^(?!\s*$)(?!\b(tbd|TBD)\b)(?!\.).* T...
Hi. I have a customfield, that includes a mullti select list with structured information. I try to find a query, that returns any items that start with a certain substring. Values in the list could...
...ave worked out the RegEx expression I will need, I know how to use the "replaceAll" function within a smart-value, but I cannot figure out how to combine them, because I get an error when I try and r...
...ttps://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Update-summary-with-updated-due-date/qaq-p/2329197 But, the regex of (in the example linked post) {{issue.summary.replaceAll("(\(.*\))",issue.duedate...
...reated an automation using the guidance here and have a similar set of steps as in that example. My regex for the THEN step, which completes the "Submitted by" field, says: {{issue.description.match...
Hello, my fellow community members, I am running into a regex issue when trying to parse some information from an email - description of the ticket. I have tried a few things but keep getting e...
Good day! I am desperately trying to automate this flow: Using this smart value: {{#issue.comments}}{{body.match("((\w+\.\w+)(?=].*merge request))")}}{{/}} Sadly, I get notified that ...
...alue exactly matching a regex. I have tried these: (Dev|Stage) refresh \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} (?:Dev|Stage) refresh \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \w+ refresh \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} These all pass the regex v...
...ustom fields) using Regex as shown. I am bit confused whether to select one or more fields from Choose fields to set and remaining in additional fields or I am missing something as got this error i...
...xpression in regex101.com that works as expected, but not in the Confiforms validation rule. I am not sure if this is a bug or not in the application. I have the code written as: &n...
When I create an Epic with a description like the following: Here are the tasks we need to accomplish within this epic: % change security group on elektrac %...
...antest99 : CHG000123" becomes "iantest99". I have tried {{varSource.remove(" : CHG[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]")}} and other variations on the regex, but I can't get it to work. Any ideas ?
Hi, We already tried using regex without the add-ons, but we can't customize the error message. Therefore, we stumble upon a post that suggests using the Power Script add-on, but we can't seem to f...
...upport.atlassian.com/trello/docs/pattern-matching-and-wildcards/) and it gives a lot of details about matching, but I couldn't find anything about excluding. I also read that regex can be used within Trello's a...
Hi Community, I just started playing around with regex in automation rules but cannot make it work. I am trying to update the "request type" field if description contains "Priority: M...
Hi, I want to escape all mardown characters in a text to post it on slack without formatting. For this I use {{value.replaceAll("([*_{}\[\]()#\+\-\.!|])", "\\$1")}} The problem is,...
I have texts in multiple lines, for example: 2023.11.12_16.37_AAA_BBBB 2023.11.12_16.37_AAA_BBBB I am using the regex pattern "\d{4}.\d{2}.\d{2}\d.*?\w.*$" to check the format. However, it only w...
Hi! I just found out that Trello automations can use regex, which is going to open up a whole new realm of possibilities for me! All of my card names contain a six-digit number. I can get the t...
...o trigger notifications for ordering inventory.. I am using the regex modifier to filter comment triggers so i get an email stating "order oxygen" or something to that effect. everything is f...
I would like to check in a comment the following duplicate of ABC-123 would like to check I’d duplicate text in comment (case in sensitive) if it does extract the Numbers after ABC- which wo...
...rocessor" Automations ⚡ Automation 1 - Add label based on Due Date Weekday Name when a due date is set on a card without the purple "regex:/Saturday|Sunday/" label, add the purple "{c...
...he end of it However... my regex in the "Exclude Headings" box isn't doing what I expect it to do, even though the Regex101 validator says it's correct. I have this: It's not w...
I am attempting to make tickets easier for my team to read. I previously posted about making custom variables and I'm not sure thats the path to go. The current goal is to take RegEx (w...
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