I am using this to get all project data: <url>/jira5/rest/api/2/project?expand=description,url,projectKeys&maxResults=10 However, I just want one, searched for by the project name. I dont ...
Hello, I would like to create a scriptfield, where I can document the tester. Currently I have implemented it with Userpicker pro. string[] result; result = addElementIfNotExist(result, reporter);...
Hi, this query use to work... we are using Atlassian JIRA Project Management Software (v7.1.10#71014-sha1:8f9212c) $curl -u user:pass "https://host.com/jira/rest/api /2/search?jql=issueFunctio...
How to get events and receivers of Notification Scheme programmatically from JIRA. The events like Issue Created, Issue Closed, etc and receivers like watchers, assignee, reporter, etc?
Hello! I need to find the entry point to the plugin from this place. (Listener, function, etc.) so that the selected issues are remedied in the program and the code is already working with the...
We use Confluence as a support wiki from our website. The Confluence wiki is completely password protected. In our ideal scenario we'd like for a user to be redirected from our site to the w...
Hi, Let's say I have a filter that looks like this: project = "Some Project" AND issueType = Bug AND ( priority = Urgent OR priority = High) AND Status != Closed And say I ran this fi...
We've upgraded Confluence to 6.0 and discovered that simply by opening for Edit a page created previously, the rows that are currently shown correctly get an extra white space row inside each table r...
Hi, I have created an add-on and added some per-repository level settings. I have the enable and disable toggle button on the settings page. Now, when either selection is made, how do I save t...
Hello, We'd like to use Confluence to keep meeting notes, which will include action items. We know that there's a limited option for this currently in Confluence (setting dates, and tagging...
In a transition, I want to make a field LOB(Other) required if "Other" is selected for field Lines of Business. Lines of Business is a multi-select LOB(Other) is a text field. if ('Other' in cfVal...
Hello Team, I am looking for a way to create an automation rule that can trigger on issue updated or Assignee update. But I don't find that in the available drop down options. image2017-3-16 20:22:...
Hi, I have script runner script that should create WebLink: import com.atlassian.jira.ComponentManager import com.atlassian.jira.bc.customfield.CreateValidationResult import com.atlassian.jira.bc.i...
How to track the transitions between statuses of an object (issue) and record the time of finding tasks in a certain status? The only idea that comes to mind right now is: 1. Create a custom field ...
I want to use the Bitbucket-pipeline feature for my magento repository. The purpose is to run automated tests after deploying new features. Those tests are integrated with Browserstack to record the ...
Hi , I am using JIRA rest client api for reading issues. The problem i face is restClient is unable to close the connection when its invoked is there any bug. I am using jira-rest-java-c...
I am trying to use excel vba to create an issue thru Rest API, but it is always failed. The code I am using is as follows: Public Function JiraUpdateTicketA(JsonUpdate As String, issueKey As S...
How can I migrate data from Local JIRA instance to JIRA Server Atlassian? Any suggestion?
Hi, I'm trying to use the Clone and link functionality from ScriptRunner and in the process updating the new ticket a bit using the Additional issue actions field. I'm setting the estimate field on...
I have written an Adaptavist ScriptRunner event listener (Issue Updated event) that is checking for changes to a custom field. The custom field stores the user info for the individual who has been as...
I need help I need to create a script that verifies that the reporter of the issue is part of a particular group, if yes, all people who participate in this group must be inserted in the request p...
I'm currently using https://<jiraUrl>/jira5/rest/api/2/search?jql=project=<projectName> but it only seems to work with the project Key, not the project Name, which may be differ...