...an get or create a .jar file, or a directory of .jar files to encapsulate a "portable" JRJC? Because of this use case, Maven and other dependency management solutions are not practical.
Hi team, We use : jira-rest-java-client-core 5.2.4 version in our Java application. After upgraded our Jira version from 8.20.10 to 9.4.1 we found an issue with IssueRestClient method: getCre...
My version is: 5.2.4 Looks the dependency io.atlassian.fugue:fugue is lost, when I add com.atlassian.jira:jira-rest-java-client-core only
Hi Team, I'm using jira-rest-java-client-api version 5.2.2 to connect to mycompany.com/jira/rest/api/2 using AnonymousAuthenticationHander() as it internally picks up the kerberos session tokens f...
I'm trying to use JRJC to create an issue, and I must set a custom field before that is successful. I tried searching for examples, but did not find any. Here's the code I am using to create the i...
JRJC searchjql pagination - consecutive request results in invalid cookie for authentication
I am using `jira-rest-java-client-core` in my Java Project version: 5.2.0 This package transitive downloads sal-api as a part of its dependency. This was working a few days b...
...an not package the API client, since the dependency of the parent POM remains unresolvable. <parent> <groupId>com.atlassian.pom</groupId> <artifactId>public-pom&l...
...ith the official JIRA Java REST client: - Why is the documentation not updated? https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/JRJC/overview is really old and examples or even basic Java maven projects a...
...hangelog but I can't find a way to make a call for the changelogs from the Jira Java client, which calls this method: public Promise<SearchResult> searchJql(@Nullable String jql, @Nullable Integer m...
The JRJC uses Jackson 1.9 which is vulnerable due to CVE-2019-10172 and has no patched version of Jackson 1.9 to upgrade to. Any way to mitigate this? Any plans to upgrade to Jackson 2.x
Hi all, I currently use basic authentication with password as below: ``` JiraRestClientFactory factory = new AsynchronousJiraRestClientFactory(); URI jiraServerUri = baseUrl.toURI(); restClient ...
Dear Community Members, I hope everyone is safe and well. I appreciate your support on this. I reached out to Atlassian Support Team but was unable to get the required information as I was redirect...
We've been dealing with some OOM issues in our app which turned out to be JiraRestClient-related cause the instances were not getting closed. While trying to fix the issues one question arose - what'...
Dear Team, I am using the software written in Java which uses the JIRA's REST client to sync the issues from the Redmine to JIRA, using the create and update endpoint. I am using ...
I am using jrjc to connect to jira cloud and fetch project details in my java code. I am able to fetch project details and all projects via *postman* but not in my code. Dependencies used in p...
Hi, I have an existing Jira instance, for which the REST API is protected by certificate-based authentication (this is performed at the Apache front-end level). I'm writing a Java-based appli...
...have on the server? public String createIssue(IssueInputBuilder builder) { IssueRestClient issueClient = this.jiraRestClient.getIssueClient(); IssueInput issueInput = builder.build...
Hello! Using the JiraRestClientFactory, which provides the JiraRestClient, results in default generating request with the expansion of "Schema" and "Names" (&expand=schema,names). This ex...
I have implemented all of my transactions with Jira using the Jira Rest Client library. I am trying to delete an attachment and I do not see a way of doing this through the Jira Rest Client. Is this ...
Hi Everyone! I'm using the Jira Rest Java client (JRJC) and I notice that the addAttachment method in IssueRestClient does not return a response because it is a void Promise. I'd like to s...
I am using jira rest java client and when I try to instantiate a JiraRestClient : JiraRestClient client = factory.createWithBasicHttpAuthentication(uri, JIRA_ADMIN_USERNAME, JIRA_ADMIN_PASSWORD); I...
This is my Node JS code: const jiraApi = require('jira-client'); var jira = new jiraApi({protocol: 'https', host: 'jira.XXXX.global', user...
I'm using the jira-client module for my react app and trying to find specific issues using the searchJira method. However, any paramter I pass to the function, either a JQL or an optional obje...
I'm am using Kotlin and `jira-rest-java-client-core` to automate some internal process. My Gradle dependecies are: implementation "com.atlassian.jira:jira-rest-java-client-core:5.2.1 implementation...
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