I am working on an integration between Monday and Jira. When sending the item key from Monday to Jira, it only adds to a Number field in Jira. The issue is that the Number field in...
Hello, I am having lots of really dumb issues signin into my Trello Macbook app. Trello is behaving [bad], and I am unable to login. Atlassian Engineers seem to have done a terrible job ...
Bota tarde. Preciso de ajuda para excluir a minha conta que está vinculado ao email da empresa: xxxxxxxx@xxxxx pois a empresa está me cobrando a exclusão do vínculo e mesmo assim eu não uso....
Hello Members, Hope you all are having a good time. I'm Vibhu and I'm writing this as my first learning experience in this awesome platform JIRA by Atlassian. I started learning ab...
So many of us are on social media these days and while a lot of content isn’t that useful (and pretty mindless), content focused on teaching others and sharing your expertise goes a long way. From sh...
Hi Community! For JSM June, let’s honor our favorite teammates who help our organizations operate smoothly every day. We know there are different characters on each team so we want to know… ...
Dear Atlassian Mods, My second question is stuck in moderation, can anyone fix this? :) Thanks a lot!
Hello. I wrote an article, but it's stuck in moderation. What is the workflow for getting it out of moderation and published? Also, how do you browse articles you've written? If I did...
So I published my first discussion on "App central". At first, it has been marked as "in moderation". Then, I published the post and it worked and it got listed, only for it to be placed again under ...
The Activity Stream gadget presents a concise overview of recent activities within specific Jira projects or involving particular individuals that capture your interest. Think of it as a Facebook fee...
Starting now, we’ve got a brand new way for you to earn kudos badges! All you have to do is RSVP and attend any of our Live Learning events…these are free, virtual, instructor-led courses abou...
Ensuring the reliability and performance of services and systems is paramount. To achieve this, businesses and organizations rely on various metrics and agreements to set, measure and maintain the ex...
Software development can be a slog. Ideally, as a project manager, you should be able to balance your team and developers’ needs without creating too much heavy administrative work. Here are f...
Hi all, During my presentation at Atlassian Summit 2019, I discussed the Atlassian Marketplace and guided in selecting the most suitable app for your needs.Atlassian Summit 2019: Cherry-Picking App...
i want add 3+(A/b/c/d) level cascading custom field type in jira service management
Hi, This is a question for the moderators I put a lot of time and consideration in my replies on the community to give people the best chance of solving their problems. I have noticed of l...
Client needs and scope We had to make a partial migration of confluence data from one cloud to another. The Atlassian documentation guided us to use server instance as a middle step of the confluen...
Reverse these charges or I will take the matter to small claims court
I have created an add-on in jira, in developement mode I uploaded them using localhost link from ngrok (https:// 32570d96.ngrok.io). Referring that URL in links and baseURL(add-on descriptor) as abov...
Hello, Atlassian Community Members! We’re excited to announce general availability for 35,000 users on a single instance of Jira Software and Confluence Cloud. Along with this increase, we sc...
I am a Jira Cloud user. I would like to Send Automated mails to assignee of tickets on particular days. Based on Custom Field Value. How can I achieve it ? Here the catch is I will store val...
Hello everyone, Hope everyone is doing fine. I am Zulfiqar, I want to learn more about the atlassian product and want to become expert in it. Thanks & Regards, Zulfiqar Bin Zafar
Hello Jira Team, we are currently starting experimenting with Jira as our main managment and service desk system. With our current workflow we would like to achieve moving tickets fro...
Hi Community! I'd like to share with you all a project I just got to "launching state": a free collection of Browser Userscripts for Jira Admins! https://jaus.atlassian.net There you'll find ar...
We are trying to author a requirements document and create the epics and user stories as part of that authoring. We have a real problem trying to use the relevant Apps. One of our Apps Requirements ...
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