Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Hey there JSM Community! Are you ready to revolutionize your service management experience? Discover Atlassian University's latest learning collection: Transition to Jira Service Management Cloud....
G’Day Confluence Community! Are you ready to transform the way you collaborate and create content? Introducing Atlassian University's new learning collection: Transitioning to Confluence Cloud o...
Hello Jira Community! Are you ready to elevate your Jira experience? I am glad to introduce Atlassian University's new learning collection: Transitioning to Jira Cloud as your gateway to e...
The Atlassian University team is excited to introduce a brand-new associate certification: Jira Service Management Agent Essentials. Whether you're an agent managing tickets, part of a non-t...
I had been aware of the new ACA certifications for some time, but I must admit I didn't pay much attention to them. I thought these certifications were not intended for individuals who work with Atla...
往期认证文章推荐: 你的 Jira 认证快到期了吗?续证新政策来啦! 我用了7个月拿下3个ACP认证 升职加薪,从 Atlassian 认证开始! Atlassian 认证征程:5门考试,1个 ACE 头衔,成功秘诀与考试技巧一览 🎯 新计划目的 鼓励持续学习 鼓励参加 Atlassi...
Last week in the Atlassian University, there was a Learning Path named "Become an effective Atlassian Cloud Organization Admin" and today it's gone. Does anyone know why it went away and how I...
...onfluence page, ticket, comment, or elsewhere, resulting in wasted hours searching for the necessary information Atlassian University: Free for everyone Atlassian University's on-demand learning is c...
Hi 各位 Jira 社区的小伙伴们, 有个令人振奋的消息要告诉你们!我为大家带来了一个绝佳的学习机会:之前收费的 Atlassian 大学按需课程现已全部免费开放给社区用户啦!这意味着现在你有更多的机会去学习,无需再为费用而犹豫,让我们一起共同成长,逐步变成 Jira 专家吧! 在这个挑战与机遇并存的年份,我特意为大家整理了一份 2024年 的课程清单(文末附课程链接),希望能为你的学...
...ink Atlassian University Begin your Atlassian journey with our free self-paced Fundamentals training courses. Whether you're new to Jira, Confluence, Jira Service Management, or Trello, our c...
SF friends! 👋 Come join us Thurs 3/28 at 5:30pm PT at the Atlassian office in San Francisco! Robert Hean will be instructing a free, immersive training session designed to help y...
...nformation is clear and well defined. – Atlassian University is an example to follow for any open University, the contents are always updated and well defined – The possibility of adding a badge on L...
Nice to meet you! I wanted to make sure that you know that in addition to our free Jira Service Management Fundamentals learning path, we recently launched a new Associate Certification...
Hello, I am reaching out to inquire about the availability of an article on the Atlassian Certified Expert Certified , specifically the URL: https://university.atlassian.com/student/a...
Hi, I can't find a spot to post questions regarding Atlassian certification pages so I'm trying to get help from here. In the page here, there is a section containing a link to a document called Ex...
None of the videos are viewable for the course Jira Fundamentals: https://university.atlassian.com/student/collection/850385/path/1083901 How to reproduce: Go to the link above Scroll d...
I need a copy of the invoices for JIRA Cloud Administration #1 and #2 training? I seen the billing but there's no link to download.
G'day, JSM group! This is Jaime from Atlassian University. Update as of May 1, 2024: All on-demand learning with Atlassian University is now completely free. That’s right! You can e...
Hi there, Jira admins! This is Jaime from Atlassian University. Update as of May 1, 2024: All on-demand learning with Atlassian University is now completely free. That’s r...
On behalf of Atlassian University, welcome! I’d like to introduce you to Atlassian University and make sure you know about a BIG price drop that has made official Atlassian training m...
Welcome to part 3 in the University series! This time, I tackled the Trello Fundamentals Learning Path You can find the other articles here: (Re)Starting University Series J...
Most people thought it would be best to start this journey with the Jira Fundamentals Learning Path. This would give me the basics of the software, introduce common used terminology and should make i...
...limited amount of time, I needed to do a lot of work myself. I turned to both the Atlassian Community and the Atlassian University. I just needed to find out how to overcome specific challenges a...
Hi, I am preparing for ACP-120 and it seems like some of the modules we go through has not been updated or doesn't match with how it looks in reality. I am wondering how Atlassian keep their courses...
Atlassian University is excited to announce a brand new program designed for certified independent consultants. The new Authorized Individual Instructor program allows independent c...
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