Hey there JSM Community! Are you ready to revolutionize your service management experience? Discover Atlassian University's latest learning collection: Transition to Jira Service Management Cloud....
G’Day Confluence Community! Are you ready to transform the way you collaborate and create content? Introducing Atlassian University's new learning collection: Transitioning to Confluence Cloud off...
Hello Jira Community! Are you ready to elevate your Jira experience? I am glad to introduce Atlassian University's new learning collection: Transitioning to Jira Cloud as your gateway to enhanced ...
Hello community friends We’re excited to announce a new Atlassian University lesson collection for experienced Jira Service Management Data Center product users and administrat...
When I look at my profile in Atlassian University it say my full name but then say "null" at the end? Can this be removed? I don't know where this "null" is coming from.
I am a Higher Education Professor in Brazil and I would like my students to learn about Atlassian products. Do you have Atlassian courses in Portuguese?
Hello Atlassian Team and Community, I am currently following a learning path at Atlassian University, and I usually receive my certifications and badges right away. However, this time I am not receiv...
...ermissions deal with user groups, guests, public links, anonymous access, JSM access, and apps. C) Correct. Archiving is one of the permissions associated with space permissions. D. Incorrect. Both a...
各位 Jira 爱好者好!作为一名深耕 Jira 领域13年的专家,今天要和大家分享我准备 ACA-905 认证考试的完整笔记(文末附获取方式)。让我们开门见山,直奔主题! 🎯 认证基本信息 认证编码:ACA-905 认证名称:Jira Software 面板配置(Board Admin) 认证分类:Atlassian...
Wstęp W dzisiejszym świecie słysząc słowo "certyfikat" kojarzy na się to z czymś co zdobywamy by udowodnić, że się na czymś znamy. W praktyce ludzie podchodzą do tego dwojako. Jedni brną d...
Hello, We have some users that would like to do the Jira Atlassian University Free Learning path in French. I can't seem to get this going. Does anyone know if it is possible to do the Free L...
I had been aware of the new ACA certifications for some time, but I must admit I didn't pay much attention to them. I thought these certifications were not intended for individuals who work with Atla...
I cannot find a full list of topics on the Teamwork Lab group. Another question: if I am not satisfied with the group I joint - how to leave that group?
...C) Incorrect. Anonymous users can be granted the Delete Attachments permission. D) Incorrect. Anonymous users can be granted the Add Comments permission. Make a space public with anonymous a...
...ermissions or user capabilities. Q4: Users should be able to create Jira issues directly from a Confluence page. Identify one element that must be configured. A) Public Link B) Smart Link C) A...
no puedo entrar a atlassian university, al momento de querer acceder me manda un warning indicandome que el login que ingrese no esta activo en su sistema. Quiero certificarme pero n...
I am unable to link my Atlassian University account to Atlassian Community account under the university tab. I get a 400 bad request error when I click on the connect button.
...ogged-in user. B) Add all newly created filters into new Filter Results gadgets on the System dashboard. C) Modify "Default user preferences" and change default access to "Public". D) Grant the "Share d...
Embark on your Atlassian journey with a treasure trove of learning paths and resources designed to empower users and admins alike. From deep dives into Atlassian products to interactive training se...
After a long time researching and learning at #AtlassianUniversity, I can tell you several things: – It is ideal for all those who want to enter the world of Atlassian tools – The l...
Last fall, we shared the news with you that we were launching an entirely new tier of certifications — Atlassian Certified Associate. These certifications allow you to get credentialed as soon a...
Hi team! I enrolled myself into one of the learning paths, Async Collaboration for Distributed Teams, but unfortunately, after completing all of its lessons, as soon as I jumped into t...
Seems ABP-220 exams are no longer present. All references seem to be deleted? Did it get replaced by something else?
Hi, I can't find a spot to post questions regarding Atlassian certification pages so I'm trying to get help from here. In the page here, there is a section containing a link to a document called Ex...
Goal: As a Project and Product Manager, learning about Atlassian Jira is essential for setting yourself up for success and getting the most out of the tool on a daily basis. There are many great Jira...
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