Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Hi, Whenever I create a new user via non sso or sso, I ONLY grant them JSM Customer product access so that they can view on portal. Sometimes I grant Jira Software but whenever I do that, it allos t...
Hello, I have a problem with creating issues from emails. I'm using the Email This Issue plugin, and if the Request Type field is not filled in (not used), the issue is created successfully. Howeve...
Controlling projects as such in Jira can sometimes be a struggle. However, there are workarounds to manage large project portfolios, and that requires specific professional dedication, and tool confi...
We use both company-managed projects and team-managed projects for our work. We have external clients that need access to one specific team-managed project but should not have access to any other pro...
Hi everyone! I’m currently using Jira Software v8.5.1 (on-premise), and I need to grant a specific user access to view all projects across our instance, regardless of the project-level permi...
Could someone please assist with this issue? Our previous manager registered both Jira and Confluence using her personal email. She has since left the company, and we are now trying to gain full acc...
We have a collaborator who needs to edit the workflows of a specific project. After doing some research, I saw that I need to grant admin access to the entire site, but I don't want to grant admin ac...
We have Jira Software and Jira Service Management on Data Center, three different copies/environments. We have our Dev environment which gets refreshed quarterly. We have our QA environme...
Our Org-admins need to take backups of Confluence and Jira databases on a regular basis. We are talking cloud here. They do not need (and should not have) access to project data nor content in spaces...
I am trying to create an area within our confluence where I can move content so that it will not even show up in search results and only admins would be able to access.
On this page https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver/archiving-an-issue-968669980.html By default, you must be a Jira Administrator or Jira System Administrator to archive or restore ...
Hello, We struggle to recover access to one page: - There is no restriction on the page in "Space settings -> Manage content -> Restrictions" - The page is visible in the hierarchy in "...
I've raised this with Atlassian (and assume nothing will be done) but wanted to share this with the community in case it's useful -- We use Jira and Confluence as a digital agency, which means we do...
Our app calls some Jira REST APIs that requires global Jira Administer permission. We have the ADMIN scope in our descriptor. One specific customer is having issue when using our app, when our app t...
I am new to Confluence Cloud and I have installed an app. On the View Global Permissions screen the app user was added as an individual user with the Create Space global permission. I have rev...
I am using Confluence cloud and have turned on Global Permission which does not allow Anonymous Access, but I just want to create just one public Confluence page or space without changing the g...
I have a user who is getting an error message "Not Permitted You are not permitted to perform this operation". When researching, I found that whenever anyone that does not have a can-use permiss...
Hello guys, I am using the Confluence but i do not know which email has the Global Permissions. Since the administrator created the trial and set up everything but now the roles somehow changed with...
Hi I am assigned Site and Org Admin in JIRA. However under Settings/Global Permissions when I wish to grant permissions to a group - the only drop down I can see is Public. My c...
Please can someone help I am a site admin on confluence, and I want to make the space I'm working on public. When I navigate to the Global Permissions area, I don't have an 'Anonymous A...
...ermissions. Only licensed users can create next-gen projects. Users/Groups: Public, anyone on the internet, including logged in and anonymous users. Jira Software Server & Data Center Global P...
Hello, we added LDAP user directory to our fresh installed jira software. The sync is fine and working. All our users are listed in jira with their memberships. a couple of users are members of a A...
Hello community :-) Yesterday we added a "test user" to our board (used my private account for that) and gave him the role "trusted". While testing, I was already wondering why everything looked and...
So I've recently installed Xporter so that our customers can export their own logged issues from the portal itself. I have 5 templates, 2 are custom and 3 installed from thee store. My global permis...
Hello everyone, In the filter management page and especially in the Assignee and Reporter fields I would like to display only the users related to this project. Currently, all Agents and client...
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