We've set up notifications based on alert priorities. P1 through P3 alerts will notify dev team users, staggering times between escalations. This was agreed to by our management team and I am not inc...
We are getting org.postgresql.util.PSQLException while trying to fetch issue details for JIRA SM Error 1: "org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericDataSourceException: SQL Exception while executing the f...
...o a new status, the postaction script path should have been executed but it gave me FileNotFound Exception instead. Error : orkflowFunction] Error in groovy script: j...
...ee in the output from the Pipeline that the exception is being thrown: However, the pipeline is just carrying on to the next line in the bash script, rather than failing with the message that has b...
....ExtensionModelFilter] ExtensionModelFilter Exception com.atlassian.jira.util.json.JSONException: A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at character 1 of null Not everyone is experiencing this problem, t...
I'm trying to write wrappers on Jira API functions with exception handling. void setField(String field, value, MutableIssue issue = this.issue) { def cfo = cfm.getCustomFieldObject(f...
Hi Community, i have a problem with my Fisheye Crucible instance (Server Standalone, self-hosted) After setting -Dcrucible.review.content.size.limit from 800 to 5000 ...
...5603][lowerParentName,nsr_odata_nc_tbapi][parentId,30917] (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO cwd_membership (ID, parent_id, child_id, membership_type, group_type, parent_name, l...
...ne which includes writting Issues / Exceptions et cetera fails. I noticed it may be because of "{" and "}" resulting in makros. Because of several reasons, I wanted to fix this by using a makro, t...
I am using jira rest java client and when I try to instantiate a JiraRestClient : JiraRestClient client = factory.createWithBasicHttpAuthentication(uri, JIRA_ADMIN_USERNAME, JIRA_ADMIN_PASSWORD); I...
Hello everyone, I have problems with uploading large images. This Server is used as a test environment for migrating our OneNote documentation to the Confluence Server. I can convert OneNote files t...
...rror creating bean with name 'projectAdminServlet': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory...
Hello , We want to delete one sub-task which is having link to main task , Can't able to delete that sub-task throwing null point Exception. Please find below error appearing w...
... /rest/api/latest/issue/AS-165531/transitions [c.a.event.internal.AsynchronousAbleEventDispatcher] There was an exception thrown trying to dispatch event [com.atlassian.jira.event.issue...
i trying installing APM ( github : scouter-project ) cause illegalStateException on Confluence When Exception, access to Confluence URL viewing System Error Page Cause java.lang...
Hello, I wanted to add a RSS Feed from a trusted website but I get the following error: Error while executing the macro 'rss' java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out &n...
ERROR [o.a.c.c.C.[.[localhost].[/].[viewattachment]] Servlet.service() for servlet [viewattachment] in context with path [] threw exception [com.atlassian.jira.issue.attachment...
...etails Exception: Error: undefined missing jira/editor/registry Resource: https://.../s/38a08279f1adc724f2d7f422de98aa78-CDN/-bktxuj/710002/6411e0087192541a09d88223fb51a6a0/f...
I'm getting the following error when I attempt to publish my plan (using bamboo specs): 2019-01-08 09:45:13,121 INFO [BambooServer] Publishing plan TO-CORSBO Exception in thread "main" c...
We're publishing content remotely and it's not updating/synching. The error message is: Remote publishing failed! com.atlassian.confluence.rpc.RemoteException: Error decoding XML-RPC response I ...
Hi All, I`m trying to automate the transition process acceptance criterias. One of the criteria is to have a link added to a custom field. Do you know of a Project Automation Rule that I can add to ...
...hat I am getting an exception: unable to resolve 19.0: missing requirement [19.0] osgi.wiring.package; (osgi.wiring.package=com.microsoft.aad.adal4j). I dont know what I am doing wrong. P...
...he new installation of bitbucket server there are several exceptions in the ES instance thrown. If there are issues and the two ES using products may collide, could you please provide me a solution f...
Hello, I created a project template plugin, according to the tutorial here: https://developer.atlassian.com/server/jira/platform/creating-a-project-template/ It works fine! I'd like to catch exception...
...ummary 'summarytest'. Exception Message: Not a valid URL
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