Im setting up Bitbucket Datacenter user for my elasticsearch cluster to be used as a search server. However I cant seem to find any documentation of what the minimum level of cluster and indice per...
I upgrade ES from 7.17.21 to 814.2. I can't open kibana. it show as below error: {"type":"log","@timestamp":"2024-07-12T08:48:48+01:00","tags":["debug","status"],"pid":46303,"kibana":{"status":{"le...
Hello Team, We would like to know elastic search version 8 is supported for Bitbucket. Currently we are in ES version 7 for Bitbucket. Thanks & Regards GTST
We've deployed Bitbucket with an Elasticsearch cluster to find text in code. But are there any file extensions exclusions? I know about the file size limits, but can't find any information about file...
I am relatively new to administering Bitbucket and would like some input. I have just upgraded bitbucket from 6.10 to 7.18.3. The upgrade itself seems okay, however upon starting the bitbucket servic...
Running BitBucket Server - Not Data Center. 1. Because the bundled ElasticSearch will not be updated to address Log4j, are there any instructions how to switch from the Bundled version to a standalo...
Hi, I´m working in elasticsearch with the jira connector but I can´t see how add customfields when a issue is created. Thanks
I've been running a BB Server in AWS for a while, and I'd experimented with offloading the elastic search to a different host, but after a while I realized the utilization was ridiculously low. I ...
Hi, I need a help associated with Elasticsearch. I've upgraded bitbucket from 4.14.4 to 7.6.2 recently. After the upgrade, the elasticsearch is not working. When running the start script, the cons...
I created this BitBucket server and when started it does show that the elasticsearch started, see below logs, Starting Atlassian Bitbucket as the current user Starting bundled Elasticsearch Hint: ...
Hi, I'm looking for some help on elastic search for bitbucket 7.6.3 Can you help me find out the version of elastic search existing on bitbucket How to find current version of elastic search. Tha...
Hi, Is Bitbucket Cloud also have elastic search bundled by default. if not how can I get the bundled elastic search on Bitbucket cloud. Is their any documentation available for the same. Thanks
Hi, I am new to Bitbucket pipelines. I want to perform some analytics and have to build some KPI on top of my build and deployment pipelines hosted in Bitbucket cloud. Is there a way I can ship bui...
According to I need to have a dedicated Elasticsearch Cluster for Bitbucket Dat...
Hi all, When running Bitbucket 5.16.0, I used rest api in topic. It was running. After upgrade Bitbucket data-center 7.6.0 and upgrade elasticsearch 6.8.6, I'm getting error like below. D...
Hi All, After upgrading our Bitbucket server from 6.10 to 7.2 the elastic search functionality stopped working. I've received errors that are quite clear: Failed to create indexes: ''[...
We use the Elasticsearch RPM repository to stay up to date with patches and security fixes, but every time a new release of elasticsearch is create, I have to wait for Altassian to compile the buckle...
bitbucket version: As seen from logs and troubleshooting, elasticsearch is not running: [root@bitbucket ~]# ps -ef |grep [e]lastic [root@bitbucket ~]# tail /data/bitbucket/log/search/bi...
I'm also running into the same issue but unable to see Bitbucket Homepage/setup page. I checked the following folder /app/var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket/log/search and there is...
Integrated Elastisearch 6.5.3 bundled with Bitbucket 6.4.2 is not starting. (Win 10 OS) Have re-installed and problem persists. error thrown is "Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified."...
I am new to ElasticSearch. I installed ElasticSearch 7.1.1 on the same machine (Red Hat Linux 7.6) where BitBucket is installed. I have ElasticSearch launched successfully, and able to connect to th...
I am using a remote Elasticsearch instance with Bitbucket. It looks like the index has become corrupt or something: 2019-03-11 10:18:09,398 ERROR [search-indexing:thread-1] c.a.b.i.s.i.e.DefaultInde...
Hi, we have 3 node ElasticSearch cluster with data enabled to true. ElasticSearch is integrated with bitbucket and index is created automatically when bitbucket comes up. created repository ...
We're using ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash Kibana) to monitor our applications. There's an option to use APMs to feed application info into elasticsearch however I've not yet found any clear guidance o...
So I've been trying to get the Search functionality working in our bitbucket server for a time now. Every time we try to use the search bar we get a "Search is currently Unavailable" message or give...
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