Hi, I want to get the Atlassian blog WORK LIFE contents via RSS. I'm using https://www.atlassian.com/blog/feed but it doesn't work. Onother urls https://www.atlassian.com/blog/c...
...o subscribe to changes in a blog directory for a space I thought I could do something with RSS feeds (https://support.atlassian.com/confluence-cloud/docs/subscribe-to-pre-specified-rss-feeds/) and p...
I want to integrate an RSS feed into Confluence. I have installed the RSS Reader macro and successfully tested it with RSS feeds from external sites, which displayed correctly. However, w...
I would like to create a Trello and make it public so anyone can access it. In a twist, I want the board to update using an RSS feed via Make. So it will be constantly updating. I am not sure w...
...ctive incidents. -Or- Use via RSS to subscribe to Slacks status feed: https://status.slack.com/feed/rss Steps ive looked into: API route: https://support.atlassian.com/opsgenie/docs/i...
the only RSS feed I find from the company seem to have stopped in 2017
I tend to forget to visit the Atlassian Cloud Documentation blog on a regular basis, and knowing what's coming is REALLY important. Is there a way to have this content automatically delivered b...
...o glean stories from email, Google Alerts and RSS subscriptions and then add hyperlinks to the stories in the individual technology area panels. Kind of cumbersome and time consuming as I'm dealing w...
Hi, I was wondering if there is an option where I can integrate an RSS Feed into Confluence page. That way, I will be able to access updated news within Confluence. I was exploring for o...
I've been scratching my head now for a while about how to get a RSS Reader to work with JIRA Server when authentication is required. What is needed in the URL for a search based RSS feed (i.e. I a...
Hello, I'm getting this error when I try to add the RSS urls url does not appear to be a valide rss/atom feed I tried to search a little bit about this error. This is what I g...
I want to subscribe to ubuntu RSS feed and update confluence page with latest updates from RSS feed. Is it possible? PS : I don't want any confluence page's updates but to receive RSS feed from a d...
I would like to be able to trigger alerts when a new item is posted in an RSS feed
...heir behalf. According to documentation (https://developer.atlassian.com/server/framework/atlassian-sdk/consuming-an-activity-streams-feed/), this is only possible via RSS, which I am prepared to do, b...
Hi ! How can I have Activity Stream RSS to get notifications in Microsoft Teams ? I tried to "export" the activity stream rss URL to Microsoft Flow, but there is an authentification problem since t...
Hello, After Building a Feed with the Feed Builder - Confluence Server 6.15.2 - Integrating it to MS Teams is met with an error message: 'please provide valid RSS feed URL' Anyone has any i...
Afternoon, I am having trouble getting a generated RSS ATOM feed to work within a specific widget on my Intranet platform. I have used the below code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8...
Hello, I wanted to add a RSS Feed from a trusted website but I get the following error: Error while executing the macro 'rss' java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out &n...
I'm trying to track publications using Confluence's RSS Feed Macro and a custom search feed from pubmed.gov. Is there any way to configure the macro such that upon retrieving new content the old o...
I have installed a jira service desk v7.13.1server. and where this solution appears: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/disabling-jira-rss-feature-358350997.html I do not have the Issue View P...
Some time ago I've got message from my rss notification system that link which I've used (https://www.atlassian.com/blog/feed/all-teams) is not responding any more. This was url provided a...
Hi, I created a series of blog posts, each pertaining to a different area (categorized via labels). In my home page, I plan to create an RSS feed type of list, which users can further sort w...
I'm attempting to add an RSS feed from my Jira (next gen) project to my project's SharePoint 2016 site. I've properly copied the RSS feed that I've exported from Jira and I've setup the RSS feed on t...
In Confluence 6.11.2, clicking on any RSS feed in Space Tools > Content Tools > RSS Feed throws the below Error. HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request Type&n...
Hey everyone :) I have a problem with RSS feed macro. It still works well for some newsfeeds, and it used to work with https://aws.amazon.com/new/feed/. However, since recently I keep g...
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