...torage for critical industries. Overview Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 Canada (PIPEDA): Requires local storage for public-sector data in specific provinces. Official text - P...
HeroCoders is pleased to announce that Checklists for Jira Enterprise now supports Data Residency. Understanding Atlassian Data Residency: Why It Matters and How to Configure It Enterpri...
Hey Atlassian Community, our data residency pin to Germany was successful but I noticed that under "Show Details" it lists two servers/locations: AWS-Region in Frankfurt and USA region North Virgini...
If you’re a Jira admin, you know managing data compliance is challenging. And here we are, wanting to help. This is why, from now on, you can use Data Residency in the My Requests Ext...
Hello Community, Hope everyone is doing well. This week, I wanted to touch on the subject of Data Sovereignty and Compliance. I know a lot of us are heavily involved in the space, and others are af...
Estimate app data residency migration downtime App data residency enables organizations to exercise control over data by migrating and pinning it to geographical locations. Atlassian products and M...
Hello fellow Jira users, is data residency important for you? Have you ever had to switch applications because data residency requirements were not met? We at Elemen...
...anagement requirements. Atlassian’s Cloud Roadmap - Data Residency We continue to invest in Data residency into the future. You can stay up to date with our progress on our Public Cloud R...
This week, we’re wrapping up a staged rollout of data residency for Forge hosted storage. This represents an important milestone toward supporting developers in building enterprise-grade apps and cus...
Over the past year we’ve made a lot of progress on data residency across Atlassian. Thanks to shifts in our infrastructure and ways of working we were able to unlock 8 new regions at a faster rate th...
In the era of global enterprises, teams are spread across countries and continents, and collaboration knows no borders. This global reach offers tremendous opportunities, but it's crucial to keep all...
Hi! Is data residency in Canada offered for Trello and/or Jira subscriptions? I'm looking for project management software for small operational project implementations and task-management for l...
Hi! Is data residency in Canada offered for Trello and/or Jira subscriptions? I'm looking for project management software for small operational project implementations and task-management for l...
Hi All, I have been thinking for a little while of writing a little new series on all the new updates coming to cloud products. So why not? Welcome to a brand new series of blogs where we now look ...
Whether there will be Store in-scope product data at rest in China from 2024 to 2025? I noticed that data residency in India, South Korea, Japan, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany will be la...
Hey All, I just wanted to come here and post my latest article regarding Atlassian Access & the wider platform regarding the security enhancements it has recently seen. You can check out the ar...
Hello Atlassian community Good Morning Since almost a week now i have been trying to get information from XRay ( Xblend ) & Zephyr Enterprise ( Smartbear ) support teams , if there cloud ...
Hello , we want to install Xray Cloud App for JIRA for our organization in Germany and would like to initially confirm if all Cloud Data for Xray Cloud App for JIRA is located within EU . ...
We are a UK company and therefore need to comply with UK GDPR, if we purchase Trello can we choose to change the location to comply with EU GDPR ?
※本記事は、Dhiren Pardhananiが2022年12月21日に公開した英語記事「End of server sale & support – December 2022 update」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 コミュニティのみなさま、こんにちは。 先日アトラシアンにHead of Clou...
1 August 2023: Thanks for your interest in how work is progressing on Atlassian Cloud Migration. There's a new End of server sale & support – July 2023 update now availa...
※本記事は、Parthaが2022年9月28日に公開した英語記事「End of server sale & support – September 2022 update」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 こんにちは。これまでの18か月間、移行やサーバー製品の販売およびサポート終了についてお客様からいただいたフィードバックを四半期ごとに...
21 December 2022: Thanks for your interest in how work is progressing on Atlassian Cloud Migration. There's a new End of server sale & support – December 2022 update&n...
※本記事は、Parthaが2022年6月8日に公開した英語記事「End of server sale & support – June 2022 update」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 こんにちは。前回に引き続き、お客様に世界レベルのクラウドエクスペリエンスを提供するための取り組みの進行状況をお知らせします。 私はお客様から...
...ur enterprise platform. In my last update, I shared that we'd launched HIPAA compliance for Jira Software Cloud and Confluence Cloud. We now have plans on our public roadmap to improve the HIPAA end-u...
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