@Rachel_Wright__Jira_Genie_, @Billy Poggi AUG NOVA_ DC, and @Dana Jansen - Confluence Queen are just some of the folks that lead one of the world's most active Atlassian User Group (AUG). B...
...lso this class must be exported as a public service. First we create the src/main/groovy/ru/matveev/alexey/scriptedfields/AbstractUpgradeTask.groovy file (this file is taken for the sample ScriptRunner p...
...xtensions>true</extensions> <configuration> <productVersion>${jira.version}</productVersion> <productDataVersion>${jira.version}</p...
Summary: Atlassian's Jira Software Cloud Customer Success team created an Onboarding Guide, pairing strategy and best practices to help new administrators be successful in implement...
...nit] Description = Atlassian Jira Software After=syslog.target network.target [Service] Type=forking Environment=JIRA_HOME=/opt/jira-home Environment=JAVA_HOME=/opt/java PermissionsStartOnly=true...
Describe the career path that led you to become a Project Software Engineer / SCRUM master extraordinaire at Philips Respironics! I started out pre-med with a computer science major as a back...
Jiraの課題に期限を設定することができますが、その期限が近づいたときに通知を受け取る方法を紹介します。 対象環境 Jira Cloud 期限の設定の仕方 まず期限を設定したいプロジェクトの 設定 (settings) > 画面 (screen) を開き、「期限」フィールドを追加します。 設定後には期限(期...
Grab your favorite bucket, a feather duster, polish, and a vacuum cleaner! It's time for some spring cleaning, Jira style. Do not inhale contents of article. Use as directed. Spray contents in...
Jira Serverにおいて、課題作成時にデフォルト値を設定する方法を紹介します。次のスクリーンショットのように説明フィールドにテンプレートを表示させたいときなどに利用できます。 設定方法 クエリストリングで値を指定したリンクを用意することで、デフォルトの入力値をもたせることができます。例えば次のようなURLになります。 http://...
...u.matveev.alexey.plugins.spring.api; public interface HelloWorld { String getMessage(); void setMessage(String value); } HelloWorldImpl.java: package ru.matveev.alexey.plugins.spring...
@Jeff_Douglas's career started in his Dad's garage in Jacksonville and eventually evolved into him becoming the Director of Software Development at Colorvision. Enjoy the following Show...
...ebug messages with the values of variables. Let's see the contents of the UtilHelper.groovy file: package ru.matveev.alexey.main.helpers import java.util.Random public class U...
Everything below is tested on Ubuntu 17.10. I prefer to use Jira in a docker container because: 1. I can install Jira with a couple of commands. 2. I can start and stop Jira just by starting and s...
...016, we were working with several other entities on campus to implement Jira Service Desk. The Atlassian motto of “for every team” has really come true for us in this case. We are now using Jira S...
At Gliffy, we’re looking for users to provide feedback and help shape our product. It’s a Jira app that helps teams strategize, plan and execute by mapping plans to your existing Jira. Hello...
Has this ever happened to you? You're working in Jira, maybe doing something like running an Integrity check, and WHAM, after loading for a while the page just stops and gives you an error. Well, ...
@Jack [AppFox] first caught our eye with his incredible breakdown of what, in his opinion, can make or break a Jira software implementation. (Read his thoughts on this thread)! In this followup ...
CSV形式でのエクスポートは課題一覧ページの "Export Excel CSV (all fields)" で行えますが、1000件の上限があります。 別のサイトにデータを移行させる場合は、1000件だけでなく過去分も含めてインポートしたいところです。そういう場合は、作成日時ごとに区切ってエクスポートするといいでしょう。 下記は2018年に作成され...
...on't want to run this on the control issue ... only on other issues. if(event.issue.key != controlIssue) { deleteMatchingAttachments(attachmentHashes); } public void deleteMatchingAttachments(List&l...
...ash == h) { manager.deleteAttachment(a); break; } } } public byte[] getBytesFromFile(File file) throws IOException { // Get the size of the file long l...
At Atlassian, we consider ourselves a "data informed" company. Whenever there is a decision to be made, we first try to see what the data is telling us we should do. This is true across every d...
Hello Atlassian Community! My name is Shana, and I’m the Product Marketing Manager for Jira Software Server here at Atlassian. We’re upping the pace at which we ship new versions of Jira Softw...
...ontreal but was part of the mass migration to Toronto in the 70's. I'm now a true Torontonian and a graduate of U of T. I am an original geek having graduated in Computer Science in 1983 when punch c...
As mentioned at the end of last year, we have been working towards improving our feature suggestion process. Our efforts are driven by your need for increased clarity and tra...
...irst we create our helper class in scripts/groovy/util directory with the name UtilHelper.groovy: package groovy.util; public class UtilHelper { public static String getMessage() { &n...