I have pipeline as definitions: services: docker: memory: 3072 pipelines: branches: build-*: - step: services: - docker c...
To test my repo, I need to run: ``` docker compose build docker compose up -d ``` inside the pipeline. I also need Python 3.11. First, I am not sure what image to use. After several a...
I want to do a docker compose build and the related Dockerfile is a multi staged dockerfile. But I'm trapped here with the limits of bitbucket pipelines. For using docker compose build, i have to d...
We want to share the docker build cache across our pipeline steps. Therefore we want to use the cache_to option from docker build specification. Currently this is not possible, because we n...
I have a fresh install of both Bamboo in Docker (7.2.2) (old version is needed) and the latest Bamboo Remote Agent also in Docker. The agent fails to start with error: com.atlassian.bamboo...
I'm trying to build a base image for the pipeline with pre-installed dependencies. I'm using a multistage build approach in a Dockerfile like this: base.dockerfile FROM python:$PYTHON_BASE AS b...
I am running my playwright on edge,chrome,safari & firefox browsers using bitbucket pipeline. Some tests are randomly failing due to timeout sometimes on fiefox or chrome even though suff...
Hi, I am trying to create a custom image from a docker file however it is throwing the below error: ERROR [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/maven:3.8.6-jdk-11 &n...
Hi all, We are working on a Jira Datacenter hosted on a Docker image (jira-software:9.12.13-ubuntu-jdk11) with nginx image as a proxy (with 443 and ssl on it). We have the warning of the gadget f...
...xecution failed for task ':publishToConfluence'. > something went wrong - request failed (response: 500 handshakefailed, reason: <none>) We are using the following docker version of d...
I am trying to build and run a remote bamboo agent (based from atlassian/bamboo-agent-base) and install podman to have the capability of (rootless) building docker images with this agent. U...
I am building a php docker container that uses a Dockerfile.dockerignore file to only allow php files inside the container. The dockerignore file contains only two lines: project/**/* !*/**/*.php...
Docker Hub had a security breach during which OAuth credentials "may" have been exposed, presumably for all Docker accounts. Their email mentions that they identified the issue on 2024.09.24, but t...
Hi, I have a public docker image that when being used on my computer I do the following: docker run --rm -it espressif/idf:v4.4.7 Note the -it flag. If I run this docker command I...
Hi guys, I set up the pipeline to do a deployment at personalized image with architecture arm64. I follow these instructions for doing a pull in private docker hub repo https://s...
i am building a docker image for react app using your bitbucket pipeline and it is taking so long for building approx one hour and at the step of building react build in docker it is saying this....
Hi, I would like to ash how can the build run from the beginning, to the end using the SSH key on the machine where the Windows Runner is running. The main repo somehow it is cloned thr...
1. When will be available a cloud CI/CD for windows projects and will there be provided a docker image with windows? So a full windows based ci/cd. 2. I've heard that windows r...
...osting this jira in a docker container. The problem screen shot is as below.
...ssue while doing the JIRA startup using DOCKER containers. JIRA version: 9.4.21 Thanks in advance, Shreesh Narayan Singh
Problem At some point, we started using docker compose in bitbucket like so: - step: name: Build & Run image: docker:26 services: - docker caches: - docker...
Hi I'm new to Bamboo world and I'm having a problem while trying to run Job in Docker Container. 'C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin\docker.exe run --volume C:\Users\Andrzej\b...
...sh_pub_key=$SSH_PUB_KEY" --build-arg bitbucket_branch=$BITBUCKET_BRANCH -f ./Dockerfile . I tried to recheck the public key on my local machine that was added to ACCESS_KEY in the repository setting. It s...
...pple silicon chips. You don’t need to specify the platform when pulling an image — your container runtime (such as docker, containerd, cri-o etc) will automatically pick the right manifest for your a...
Hi, I want to set up Bitbucket Pipelines together with Docker. I find the documentation hard to understand and not straightforward. I'm stuck on connecting to my dev server and then run docker c...
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