Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
סHola a todos! Finalmente, y con mucho esfuerzo hemos confirmado todos los detalles del único evento al que debes asistir el próximo 27 de febrero, al cuál asistirá un representante de Atlassi...
Hello dear Atlassian Community, First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I'm Julia from Refined (formerly from Tempo and ALM Works). You should get used to seeing my face around here a...
Max, ich und alle Teilnehmenden sind sehr glücklich, dass es endlich wieder losgegangen ist. Unser erstes Event dieser Art seit langer Zeit in München war ein großartiger Neustart. Neben den Vorträ...
We are thrilled to announce a new addition to our leadership team, Anthony D’Ambrosio as a Co-Leader for the Houston Ace chapter! Anthony brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise in ali...
Hi All. So this is a little late I am aware but due to a few things, it has taken me some time to get all the things sorted. ACE Solent had two events in January. Our own mini Jan slam if you will. O...
Oh wow am I so glad for this! I'm actually a self-taught admin and I am currently looking for help to do some things that I think are easy, just not to me haha! I'm the co-leader of the Phoeni...
Hi Everyone, We had a really great turnout last night. Many thanks to Christian Brien at TFO for lending us their wonderful funky spot and thanks to Blended Perspectives for sponsoring the ev...
We had a full house today at the round table lunch. The conversation and food flowed. Topics that were discussed Barcelona pre-summit pitch by Danny Questions brought up and discuss...
Hello Atlassian lovers! Who am I... well I like long walks on the beach...Just kidding. I have had the pleasure to be a part of one of the best user groups around! I joined the user grou...
This is Billy's introduction. I've been with the Atlassian User Group, NOVA and DC for a while now. First becoming a member back in 2013 and then a Leader in 2014. The best p...
This is very exciting to have our very first online community group. For now, we can post about Toronto related activities and events in the Atlassian space. This group functionality will...
I am one of the Three Musketeers ... Oops sorry, Aug Leaders for the Northern Virginia area. I have been an AUG leader since Summit 2016 where I was recruited by @Michelle Simkonis _NOVA_ and...
@Susan Hauth (Toronto - JIRA Queen) is a Toronto based AUG Leader, working for StatPro Ltd, a financial software company which creates many innovative and cloud-based products for finan...
Cheers to Kemal Bajramovic, our first ever AUG Leader to be Showcased. AUG Leaders are passionate experts who find time in their own busy lives to host Atlassian themed events to share ...
I'm seeking to soon start an Atlassian User Group (AUG) and wanted to elicit some pointers from other AUG hosts and participants. Please share feedback on what works and doesn't for your groups. What...
...our company’s conference room. In that case, to start, you will need to rely on public libraries, sports bar or restaurants. The dynamic of the meeting will need to be adjusted in consequence to the v...
Hi there. My name is Kaji , AUG leader at Tokyo. I wold like to share you our activity. We have a meeting AUG at Tokyo last week. See 第25回 Tokyo Atlassian ユーザーグループ at Atlassian ...
Hi there. My name is Kaji , AUG leader at Tokyo. I wold like to share you our activity. We have a meeting AUG at Tokyo last week. See 第25回 Tokyo Atlassian ユーザーグループ at Atlassian ...
Hi all, I'm one of the Chicago area Atlassian User Group (AUG) Leaders. I'm wondering in general - what topics would people like to learn about at a user group meeting? Perhaps, lets kick it o...
Доброго времени суток, дорогие жители Рунета. Уже 2 года активно живут и развиваются сообщества пользователей Atlassian в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге. За 2 года мы выросли из участников первой вс...
Summary アトラシアンユーザミーティングの第22回です。 AtlassianよりJIRA PortfolioのPM Roiさんをお招きしての開催となりました。 Event Page https://aug.atlassian.com/events/details/atlassian-tokyo-presents-di-22hui-tokyo-atlassian-yuzagurupu...
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