Hi, I would like to know can i insert pictures tables in the R4J issue description , is there any additional plugin or addon that i need to install ??? or it already exists ...
I was wondering if it's possible to create more than one user story map per project. I have a software project with multiple releases this year. Every release has a specific focus on a module. I...
I have a requirement to show the component watchers in the Create Issue page or in the issue details page, so that the creator can check if all watchers are there and add/remove if necessary. Is ther...
Hi, It will be very helpful if someone can help or guide how can we solve the following scenario: We have tempo work attribute of the type (Dynamic DropDown) WA1 with values WA1-val1, W...
Tempo add-on gives us the possibility to have custom field Account at work logs (with JIRA default worklog is turned off), so we have added two Accounts (one for internal and one for external activit...
Hi guys, Quick question, I have a requirement to do a API GET call from a jira workflow and return the data to a field for verification. I am trying to do the following: de...
We are testing Pocket Query add-on. Using standard table template all columns are of the same width and in addition if the text in the column is tool long it doesn't wrap. Is it possible and how to ...
1. How many maximum users can use this at a time ? 2. Is there will be any performance issue ? 3. Going further will it be payabl...
Hi, I'm trying to exclude certain labels from an issues history report. I understand I can use the below calculated member to exclude labels. [Label].DefaultMember - [Label].[Example1] How...
Hi, We are trying to catch the label of an object from the Insight's API, but as far as we see we can only bring the QR code (the image). Is it any way to take the whole label? The version ...
How does this app work?
I'm having an issue with Gliffy Diagrams in Confluence Cloud Version, I'm trying to get the diagram to use anchor links to jump to sections in the same page, but it seems to only load links in a new ...
Hi Team, I am not able to see anything in my Power BI Jira report. I perform all the activity to confirmation to fetch the data. Below is the screenshot:
I'm unable to view Submit Periods more than 3 months (current month + previous 2 months). I have changed the configuration to allow users to log work for past 360 days. Please advise. Thank you.
In June there was a blog post about new permissions troubleshooting. New Permissions - Troubleshooting - Tempo Help - Tempo Confluence Cloud Behaviour: I can see my team, but not their worklogs: S...
For example, my team is categorised into 1) Sales Staff and 2) Operations Staff. Certain blog posts may only be relevant to 1) Sales Staff whilst others may be relevant to both 1) Sales Staff a...
I previously used the add-on Dynamic Forms for Jira version 2.1.1 An option of "Related Fields" used to appear, when I chose to configure the Dynamic Cascading Forms Custom Field option. &...
Hello there, i have a basic requierement : i want to change a customfield type from Number to text. For that, i create a new custom field and wrote a script console (threw scriptrunner) and...
Hi, how is it possible to use CQL to query the page properties from the "Page Properties" macro (https://confluence.atlassian.com/conf67/page-properties-macro-945103079.html). If you take a look in...
Hi , I have a use case where the user, in Create screen, choosing a link issue and after that it supposed to show him a custom filed that belongs to the issue , For example : Issue type= Stor...
Hi! We are evaluating Timeline Jira plugin now and have some issues that can be very frustrating Main issue is that when you create a new timeline you can "save position". But if...
Hello, I would like to ask you, the translations are coming in a plugin, or it is possible to make translations manually too? We are using the Hungarian version, but not everything is translated. ...
Is there a way to create a confluence page from an existing template in the confluence and the post function is from JIRA?
We are trying the smartdraw add-on and found that only administrators can create and edit smartdraw. Does anybody know how to set the permission settings on this add-on? Thanks. Morris.
Hi All I'm new to Atlas CRM and Atlassian platforms in general, so a few questions: 1. How do you close an opportunity so that it appears on the closed sales screen? 2. How do you add new fields o...
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