Good day all, I've configured the rule shown below, and when I change the Parent field on the target issue I can see that this automation runs on that issue successfully, but the Goal value from the...
Hi all, I'm trying to duplicate an epic with his sons, and i getting this error in the picture. We don't even use this field, and i checked and make sure that it does not appear in project ep...
Hi Community, In Jira Software DC, we used to translate the Epic t...
In my project, we have a Feature -> Epic -> Story hierarchy. Epics are scenarios like customer ordering, back ordering, sales rep ordering etc. Features are order interface, shopping ca...
Hi Brainstrust! So I'm trying to figure out the best way to show a simplifed view (Trello-like swimlanes) of all work the Tech team is doing across multiple projects/boards. I know there is Pl...
Hi Community, I need help in reviewing and correcting my below code. I am passing the code in Conditional execution section of Transition Issues post-function (using JMWE app) in the Child Workflow....
Hi Community, I need help in reviewing and correcting my below code. I am passing the code in Conditional execution section of Transition Issues post-function (using JMWE app) in the Child Workflow....
In my timeline I have an epic. In the epic I made a web link to a story that is in a Jira Project outside of mine. The link is accepted and displays inside the epic at the bottom showing the story's ...
We have several Teams using the Team field (with Plan View, previously known as Advanced Roadmaps). We use this field to filter/create our sprint boards. For example: Sprint Board Apples filter is T...
Hi. Im having initiative on "A" jira project, can i link to it epics from both "A" and "B" jira projects? One more Q, how can i connect existing epic to an existing initiative? in the past i was ab...
I need the automation to update the description of an epic and then apply that updated description to all sub-tasks associated with the epic. In the image, the automation was set up as follow...
Hi Community, I have a typical mapping requirement regarding Parent-Child relation between Initiative and Epics. Pre-conditions: I have a Parent Project (as Project P) with issue type level...
I am trying to import a single Epic followed by several Tasks and link the Tasks to the Epic using Epic Name and Epic Link but keep receiving the warning message below, and the task fails to link to ...
We have instances where, when a Story (which is linked to an Epic via the "Epic Link") is changed to an Epic, the "Epic Link" doesn't get removed. The other Epic continues to List this Issue (now AN ...
Web-based tables of Stories, show a nice, colorful Epic Link styled with a colored rectangle according to epic color. This applies to Structure and Issue Navigator pages. However, exporting those pa...
Hi, just a few months ago, it was possible to have an epic that's let's say "TST-1" from project Test, and you could link issues from other projects to it, like "DEV-10" from Development,...
I have multiple projects. In Project A, I have a set of stories and epics. I have initiatives in projects B, C, and D. Some of the epics are linked to initiatives in B, C, and D. How can I...
Hi, I am trying to create a number field using the JWT plugin in our JIRA. I would like it to show the total story points of all issues in an Epic EXCLUDING the issues in the "Canceled" status...
An Epic had 14,000 tickets linked to it. When I did something, the Epic Link was removed from all the tickets. I have no idea what I did to change the settings. What operation caused Epic to be remo...
Hi all, We use Jira cloud with company-managed projects. It is our policy that issues (except epics) should always be linked to a parent. We have partly enforced this via workflow field vali...
Hello! We want to change some logic in Jira board. Before we were creating Epic and after Issue in it. Now we do not want to use Epic anymore and create issue without it. When we are filling fields w...
I have a workflow with 6 statuses. I can create an epic and transition it to the 3rd status. when I try the next transition I get the message 'An epic cannot have another epic linked to it'. i...
So I currently have our Epics on 1 Project and our Stories on another Project. I need to see all EPICS of the Stories in the current sprint. We do have Scriptrunner installed so we can use that funct...
Hello, We have an automation that is run monthly because of a schedule-based trigger. This automation creates tasks that go directly to the backlog and are not added to a specific sprint. How...
This article is about upcoming changes in Jira, specifically the replacement of the 'epic-link' and 'parent-link' fields with a single 'parent' field in Jira and how change will affect the Jira hiera...
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