Goal: Use the "Sort By" setting in Page Properties Report to create an index of pages (using Page Properties Macro) sorted alphabetically by the column "Leader" that is populated with @m...
Getting a recurring error when I run a sort by date as it's trying to find an old list that does not exist
I see no "order by" or "sort" clause in the OpsGenie query language. My results to this query are coming out most recent first by create time and I'd like the oldest first. (r...
I have a filter that retrieves multiple tickets with associated Fix Versions. The naming convention we use for Fix Versions is YY.MM-Month. However, I’m facing an issue when sorting the table by F...
I have the option to sort my active workspace boards alphabetically. Unfortunately, the sort does not work. When I choose the other option, "sort by most recent," and then choose "sort a...
...xpected. However the first column is a date column and we always want the table sorted by ascending dates... but it always displays in an order that seems related to the order I have the E...
Hi all I found the below linked tickets RE sorting and filtering tickets on the Requests page on the portal end. However, they are all closed and I dont know if I am missing the reason why? Is t...
...mplementation of this feature remains impenetrable & byzantine as is the ability to custom-sort issue/child links on the premiere project & issue tracking solution that is Jira Cloud? Or have I e...
Hi, I have a Kanban Board in which I could sort until now. I did not change anything regarding the filter, but can't sort manually now. Although there was a change to the project: we exchanged t...
Hello, In the backlog, i can drag and drop the user stories, changing their order. I need to know how to use this same order that is defined in Backlog in a filter. The goal is that the filte...
...A lot of them are covered in fields but for now I do not see any chance to "group" or sort those fields in the ticket itself. They are ordered alphabetically which means that "Goal" and "KPI" have o...
I want the Timeline gantt chart to be sequential in time. How do I order epics by "start date" for the timeline (roadmap). AND also include by Rank descending (so I can drag epics about too).&n...
When using Quick Pie Chart in a dashboard the value table does not sort the values in a descending order. And there seems to be no settings for this. Although the Pie chart itself works as expected a...
...hat we’ve got! Check out our video and tell us what you think. Just a brief overview of the possibilities you get with the Table Filter and Charts for the Confluence app: Sort a...
Hi, I'd like to know, please, if there is a way to sort a whole board by label colour, that is the whole board at one time rather than just by list (which I have worked out how to do in a...
Hello, I need a way to show the Product Backlog sorted by Priority. I tried using a Quick filter but it does not sort the Backlog at all. This JQL in a Quick Filter has no effect o...
I've set up a google sheet with the JIRA Cloud for Sheets extension. I'm pulling in a list of tickets then referencing ticket status on another sheet using the column and row (eg A6, B10, etc)....
Hiya All, I am currently trying to integrate with the Confluence API, to get wiki content pages to be used in a separate application. As part of this integration, I need to query content pag...
Hola, hice un proyecto con la plantilla " Gestión de Proyectos", una vez hecho, se generan varias columnas donde se colocan las incidencias en función de su estado, ("Pendiente, En Curso, Finalizado,...
...ssues what have votes and try to ORDER BY or click on the Votes Column in the results we get the following error instead of a sorted list: "Error occurred communicating with the server. P...
Hello, I order my issue type in the issue type scheme as explain in this link https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-change-the-default-issue-type-displayed-at-the-create-issue-screen-when-...
...hem. This page was automatically sorted by ascending order of EngagementID, or rather ascending order of being created. Since this was not convenient to most people who like to see the latest at the t...
I have manual sort turned on for my structure and I want the rest of the people using my structure to see the data in the same manual hierarchy I've created. Is this something I can do or will e...
Hi folks, We have an automation rule where we use the Send Email action, and send a list of comments on the issue. The list of comments sends successfully via email, but it is sent in chron...
I set a rule for my list: "When a card is added to list, sort the list by title descending" It works alphabetically, but I have things numbered 1-10 and it doesn't seem to understand that 10 i...
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