Does triggering the idea form only work via link , or is there a way to get the form modal to display when users click "create idea" on any of the views (or even just the view you select). Am I m...
Ultimate need: Discovery project view where ideas are grouped by the Project their Delivery issues belong to. Automation problem: I am trying to set up an automation that detects changes in Idea...
Imagine you have a section in confluence to house user research. Each page, is a piece of research. Either it has the direct summary analysis on the page itself or it has a document, such as PDF, whi...
Hello, In Jira Product Discovery, I can create and customize a lot of fields. And that's great. But, through my whole user journey, is there a way to customize the default name of ticket type "Idea...
Hi, I am looking into using the Idea field from JPD to filter and group issues as explained in this article:
Hi community, today let's talk a bit about ideation or idea management. Especially in the era when we, as developers, need innovative and worthy ideas to stay ahead of the competition. We a...
...ou can link an existing Jira issue to that idea or create a new one based on what has been given in the portal. More importantly, you can also make this portal public and share the l...
I know you can use available description templates in JPD ideas or create custom templates to meet your specific needs. However, I can't find any information on whether you can use more than one d...
Imagine this: A small startup with a groundbreaking product idea but no clear path to turn that idea into reality. They spend countless hours brainstorming, collecting feedback, and jotting ideas o...
Hello everyone :), I’m using Jira Product Discovery along with Jira Software, and I’ve encountered an issue related to tracking the association between Feature Requests and Ideas. Issue: I a...
I have a Global Field that works correctly when modifying a cell in a View. However, if I include the field in a JPD Create Idea Template, and then create an Idea by clicking "Create" at the t...
Here is the scenario: You have a new idea that you want to share with your team. Obviously, you will be using a Confluence template for that. You are going to add a description, maybe the idea s...
...ind ways to incorporate AI into a brand new app or an existing one. So, during the initial discussions, the overwhelming majority settled for two main projects: Content Formatting and Ideation. And s...
Hi, Does anyone experienced with the functionlity of linking Idea to multiple features? How it is done with the new navigation? thanks.
I just love idea challenges! Not only because they mean more time spent on innovative tasks (and less on the usual stuff😛), but also their competitive nature and the large array of benefits it can b...
Hey everyone, Just a quick suggestion: It'd be super handy if, when you expand the side panel to edit an idea, the corresponding row could light up somehow. It would make it a lot clearer what y...
I'd like to be able to create custom formula fields that utilize delivery data—For example, a custom field that contains the number of delivered story points. Or percent complete like: ...
...rom JPD does not match the Epic items, because, our items being delivered in a version/release might be in different epics. So can we link a release to a JPD Idea for tracking the delivery ?
Is there any way to allow a contributor to use one of the templates when they fill out the "create an idea" form?
Hello, Is there an ability to enable custom templates based on a custom field in a JPD project while creating an idea. For e.g. Say I have 3 different product lines given below: 1. North A...
Does Jira PD offer a re-naming of the issue type? What if we don't want to call it an "Idea" ?
...ork requires an analysis of how you already work. Our Community’s local and digitally-connected groups already engage in this process–questioning how they approach teamwork and sparring ideas on how o...
I was unable to find much documentation about the ideas workflow. Statuses are not aligned, and I wasn't sure how to use them. Is there any recommended workflow? Share your vision of the idea...
I am exploring an option for our users to submit a feedback/idea on our application that can directly be passed on the Jira Product Discovery tool in the form of parameters from the code base. This u...
...iscovery project as Ideas. It also allows us to "Add to issue", meaning a message is added to an Idea as an Insight. All of this is super valuable. The challenge is that every Field for an Idea is in t...
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