Hi I am looking to use Plans to help business units execute their increment planning. I was keen to know if anyone has done this before and if you could share some ideas that worked well. So far I...
...ased on Epic Link, but I lose the indentation of Epic → Task. Then another question: What do you use Plans for? I mean, what is the true power of Plans?
Using Jira Plans, we know that we can link two dependent Stories together. We see that Jira will turn the linkage colour red if Story B is starting before Story A completes. This is a finish-to-s...
When attempting to filter our Plans view on a label type custom field (called Estimated Delivery for my use case), not all of the options are visible/can be filtered on. Only a subset of the data i...
hi. i got bugs with the parent link properly saved parent and child are showing on plan but no matter how many times i save the change on field "parent link", the relationship still doesn...
I've created a project, 4 epics, several tasks inside, and added dependencies, and time estimations. When I launch auto scheduling it starts some of the epics s...
We have some users that use grouping by labels on their plans. It seems there was a change recently where their plan that has epics and stories is showing stories in groups that don't have t...
When I have a generic board filter like: project = MY_PROJECT ORDER BY SOME_FIELD ASC On my plan I use the board as the source and I see epics listed with tasks within. When I update the b...
Hello, I am trying to move our company to use plans for execution planning. The developers set Original Estimate on all issues, aggregating nicely to the Stories and Epics. But when planning u...
Hi, How can I move the Program Management to the top row? I've changed the ranking of the associated tasks of the projects so that the ones from Program Management are higher ranked. It works until...
Is there a way to see the dates from jira plans in the actual epics ? If you drive the epics based on the stories inside it are the fields being auto populated in the epics outside the plans ? &n...
Hello, I have been working with Jira for a long time and have experience with BigGantt. I want to deepen our usage in plans. What is the connection between original estimates, Time remaining, a...
I have set up my plan/roadmap to sort by Goal, and assigned a goal to most issues on the roadmap. Those that do not have a goal show in the other section. These are expected. There are a subset of i...
I want to overlay my Jira (gantt chart) plan with a view of resources allocated so that management can see in an easy one page where my resources are being used. How can I do this in an easy vi...
Hi there We use Jira Advanced Roadmaps Data Center and added one more hierarchy-level above the Epics - which is an Initiative. For all Initaitives, we have a separate project (let's call it "I...
I'd like to add a label to draft tickets created in a Jira Plan before Saving so they don't fall off the board upon saving. We presently use a label to filter the board that the plan is pulling from....
Hey everyone I'm Rhys, a Product Manager on Jira Plans. Building the Program board has been a fun journey, and now we’re happy to announce that it’s is leaving Open Beta and moving into being a f...
Hi all, I'm currently trying to understand how the Plans Timeline works. As far as I understand, changing task dates by dragging its timeslot in the Timeline DOES automatically change it in t...
I want to remove the blue ones (tasks), how can I do?
Hi everyone. I'm using Advanced Roadmaps / Plans to manage the projects we currently have under way. The problem I have is with how tasks that have dependencies behave, in any situation w...
Managing cross-functional projects can be a complex challenge. These projects often require collaboration between multiple teams—each with its own goals, workflows, and communication styles. Fortunat...
The "Dependency" column in the Plans List view only displays "Blocked by" and "Blocks". I am a site admin and have configured three different issue type relationships for Plans; all of these are d...
If you are on an enterprise plan and are using multiple sites internally across departments, how do you create visibility for higher level planning? Is that possible?
Hi, I've recently done a lot of work to get a Plans view set-up where I am able to group tickets by 'goals' via the view settings. But yesterday and today when I went to look at Plans, my items w...
Auto schedule feature in plans is not working properly for me. it is not reflecting on all issue types. is there a hierarchy which i need to configure? It doesn't reflect to sub issue type(sub task/s...
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