Why doesn't the Release field in the ticket and in the Releases section show the last environment the ticket was deployed in? In the attached example it says Testing, but once you click on that...
Ultimate need: Discovery project view where ideas are grouped by the Project their Delivery issues belong to. Automation problem: I am trying to set up an automation that detects changes in I...
When I create a delivery ticket from a JPD Idea, I am finding that it occasionally gets lost - there will be a Story that is created but it is not linked in JPD (not showing in the JPD Delivery T...
I keep hearing the same things from our Product and Engineering teams... They like JPD but would really like to be able to see all the Delivery tickets associated to each JPD item directly in their l...
I've been searching for answers on how to create an automation so that some of the field values from the JPD idea are copied to the newly created Delivery ticket in the destination Jira project.&n...
Now that JPD Ideas can be pulled into Advanced Roadmaps as issue sources from a JPD Project, it would seem to be logical to also pull into the Advanced Roadmap, any Delivery Tickets that are linked t...
For the Delivery field, currently we can show the tickets as issue count or story points. We use time to estimates. Would it be possible to get the time? it would be nice to look at the amount o...
When you create a delivery ticket from JPD there is a checkbox "Embed idea description and fields into delivery ticket". I find this really useful but would like to be able to embed the JPD item i...
I see this is something that's come up a lot, but not sure if it's come up this way. If I select delivery status, in default vs simple, for issue count: Expected behavior: I expect to s...
Hey all, I'd like to create a delivery automatically once a JPD ticket reached a certain status and has dedicated field values. I already tried to achieve that with a global rule, but the l...
Currently when a Jira delivery is created, only the JPD idea’s Summary and Description are copied to the delivery out-of-the-box. This Article provides different automation rules t...
...utomations like these and found a work around Automations based on Delivery Tickets Transition Status of JPD Idea to “In Progress” and Roadmap to NOW when SOME of the delivery tickets (or their c...
...eveloper experience while increasing productivity. Progressive delivery with Jira Software, CircleCI, and LaunchDarkly Progressive delivery is an iterative process that decouples the d...
We are trying to create a single, holistic/hierarchical view in Jira Product Discovery (JPD) of all our active ideas with their delivery tickets (epics, stories, etc) nested underneath them. H...
When I move an idea into a new state, I trigger an automation that creates a Story in another Jira project. Once created, I would like to get that new Story key and use it to populate the Delivery...
Hey there, is there a way to identify all delivery tickets that are linked to an idea, ideally through a field or JQL? For context: Our current hour reporting is based on epics (using a 3rd party a...
I see where there is the Default or Simple view for Delivery Progress, but wasn't sure if there was a way to have just the delivery tickets that are Done displayed. We were hoping to have a simple h...
When I attach an idea a delivery ticket, I want to show the assigned sprint end date in the delivery view. Any idea how can I do it other than selecting project target manually for each item?
Hi everyone 👋🏽 While Jira Product Discovery doesn't have specific automation templates yet, it is possible to automate some actions in the delivery panel 🤖 Implementing these rules will reduce m...
...hrough delivery to a new epic in another project? Reason I ask is within our PMO project at the moment we have some fields that are required to ensure our PM's include specific info when creating a...
Delivering a better experience to our customers is core to MindPro. When we recently rebranded, we also decided to improve our apps to make them even more valuable and easier to use. Having this in m...
...s important to put all data together to get quick results and make better decisions. When managing Delivery or Operations teams, there are many aspects leaders need to deal with: costs, rates, t...
...ontracts. With a few clicks managers can follow up the information using the Delivery Report. This makes the decision-making process faster and more accurate, using realtime data! H...
...ontractsPro and also its Delivery Report. The idea behind the report is that leaders can have, in a single place, the most useful information needed to take better decisions. It allows managers t...
...ours. And it is simple to create “slices” to plan teams’ work: You can see all this information in a graphical way using the Delivery Report: Contracts actual consumption of hours; C...
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