How do I enable "Log work" within JIRA for time tracking for a project

Diego J Vasquez January 22, 2020



I have been looking into this matter for sometime now however all the resources I have browsed on issues similar to this have only gotten me but so close. In the project settings I have checked the schemes, work flows, issues layout, fields, permissions and just about everything else with no luck. I have checked the permissions and I see that it time tracking is enabled so I am not sure what steps I am missing. We need this feature to work for developers to track their time for tasks they are working on and be able to provide task time status reports to Clients.

4 answers

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Mike Bowen
Rising Star
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January 22, 2020

Hi @Diego J Vasquez 

As (Jira Administrator on Jira Cloud) go to:

  1. Jira Settings
  2. Under Issue Features there is Time Tracking.
  3. Enable Time tracking for Classic projects.

Jira Settings - Time Tracking.png

4. Also click on the Permission schemes and for the users you wish to be able to log work on issues, ensure that they have the Work On Issues permission. You can find this under Edit permissions, Time Tracking permissions (edit own worklogs, Work on Issues)

Time Tracking.png


2 votes
Zoryana Bohutska _SaaSJet_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
January 31, 2020

Hi @Diego J Vasquez 

If you use Next-gen projects time tracking is not available yet

But as you mentioned about time status reports you can try an app like Time in Status for Jira Cloud or other similar apps for the server version.

Add-on automatically measures the time spent in a specific status. So you will have a helicopter view on your team delivery in Jira. 

Best Regards

1 vote
Mark Kern [SaaSJet] January 30, 2020

Hi @Diego J Vasquez 

Maybe, this video tutorial by Atlassian team will help you to find the solution for time tracking

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Bastian Stehmann
Community Leader
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January 22, 2020

Hi @Diego J Vasquez ,

Welcome to the community. 

Are you on cloud or on server.

You might have to enable it on your instance in general before it can be used, but that depends if you are on server or cloud. 

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