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×...ages and texts/documents in confluence are stored more likely in a database. Does this database also count towards the 2GB? Is there no way to check out the storage consumption? Greetings!
...ourney to explore the future of secure file storage, and we believe your insights are crucial to this endeavour. Whether you prefer on-premises solutions, cloud storage, or a hybrid approach, your e...
Hello everyone! :) I have a team-managed Jira Software Standard subscription. I have then 250 GB of free space and I would like to monitor it. If if go to Atlassian Admin section, then my pro...
Hi, has anybody tried to export attachments from v4 storage to an older v3? We have a couple of Confluences with different versions - 8.6 and 7.13, and we noticed that after we exported content f...
We are using the free version and we are out of storage. The problem is that we don't know what is taking this much amount of storage, because we don't have lots of images or files. Does a page in i...
ValueError: Please specify a container name when using atlassian/azure-storage-deploy:2.2.1 pipe yml - step: &n...
Hi, I am trying to setup a ci/cd for our frontend react code which needs to build and deploy the frontend to azure storage. I am using Azure Storage Deploy pipe but I can mange to only c...
Hello, everyone, it is not possible to sync the contents of a directory (and not the directory itself) with the Storage Account in Azure with Bitbucket Pipelines Pipe: Azure Storage Deploy.&n...
I'm seeing the banner: "Action required. You can‘t edit or create new content in Confluence until you upgrade for more storage or delete 1.5 GB GB of files." My Storage Admin t...
I deleted (not archived) a Space to free up Confluence storage amount, but it still exceeds 2 GB after two weeks. Nothing big in other space, attachments sums up to some MB's. I can't contact s...
Recently, Bitbucket Repo storage on linux /var partition has been filling up requiring the increase of drive space. Bitbucket writes 2-3gb within 30 minutes. We've added 150gb in the last two weeks.
We are over our storage limit and need to find out which spaces are using the most storage, has the largest attachments, etc... Unfortunately, we are unable to use the REST API m...
Hey, Have any one have sample code or idea to store data for the forge app. for ex. scenario 1: if I want to store designation for all the users or any predefined value by s...
Hello, We are about to migrate to Bitbucket from GitLab. In some preliminary tests, we noticed a large difference in repository storage size when importing a project to Bitbucket from GitLab (u...
Hola!! como puedo saber cuanto de storage consume cada proyecto en mi instancia Jira cloud? gracias, Ennio
Greetings, I will assume that for the free Trello Cloud Plan, there is a 2GB storage limit. Workspace, accounts, cards, files, and what else consume and are tracked for the storage limit? H...
...pace. --> https://confluence.atlassian.com/confkb/finding-storage-usage-of-confluence-space-and-page-using-rest-api-1063555292.html Is there a way to do this analysis in the cloud?
Hi Team, I would like to know the process of pushing artifacts to azure blob storage for storing the artifacts like nexus, jfrog or s3, could you please guide us to achieve this. T...
Hi, In on premise version of JIRA, is there a way through JIRA Admin GUI to check the capacity that is used? The reason I am asking is because of migration to cloud and to check is the limit of 2...
Hello, I have to upload a file in $web container in Azure Storage. I got this error: azcopy cp "_deploy/tscli.exe" "https://xxxx.blob.core.windows.net/$web/tscli.exe?sv=2020-10-02&si=b...
Is confluence works fine for large file upto 2-3 gb individual like tutorial videos and PPTs ?
Please tell me where and how the diagrams are stored when using the plugin Draw.io in Confluence. Is there a possibility of accessing files outside the Confluence loop. Thanks!
Hi Folks, I'm rookie to Bamboo platform, I'm trying to create the CI/CD pipeline from Source (Bitbucket Repo) to GCP Cloud Storage using Bamboo. I created a build & test in Bamboo s...
...s also creating storage issues at the server level. please give your valuable suggestions. Thank you in advance
Hi, We exceeded our storage limit and i'm looking for how can i manage projects' attachments. actually, i want to delete old files and clean the storage. do we have a tool or something like that f...
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