...ermissions and robust security. Connecting Git with Jira: How It Works? Set Up the Integration – Connect your Git repository (GitHub, GitLab, or Azure Repos) to Jira in just a few clicks. D...
We've configured a workflow trigger to move issues from To-Do to In progress when a branch is created via GitLab. When branches are created by user A, the issue's activity log shows that user B has m...
As you can see, It seems that Jira only checks the first name of the operator on the Gitlab and it results in the wrong mapping.
📢 Announcing the release of deployment gating for GitLab for Jira Service Management Premium and Enterprise! With GitLab deployment gating turned on, changes to the environments you choose will be p...
When I try to pull in source tree it is opening a window to connect to Gitlab through private token. I tried entering the private token from Git lab account under Access t...
Hello, Community. I am having trouble to make full automation between gitlab and jira with xray addon. I managed to upload the junit through xray rest api after that create a Test set and add the t...
Bonjour, Notre équipe de développeurs travaille sur Gitlab et je suis chef de projet, j'organise le travail dans JIRA. Lorsque nous créons des tickets dans JIRA, nous les groupons et souvent n...
Hello everyone! I have a Jira integration with Gitlab, as well as some automation on screenshot below that receive a Jira Issue Keys related to current release tag from webhook, parse them, send a m...
...roupname>/<reponame>.git The URL in the browser is: https://git.<domainname>.de//<groupname>/<reponame> At first glance, the additional slash is not harmful, since the GitLab...
When I want to connect jira server to gitlab I get this error after set up application link and then click on "test connection", Error occurred while authorizing an integration. The error m...
...ntegrations by introducing automated change tracking for GitLab. This new integration lets you automatically capture new GitLab deployments as change requests in Jira Service Management, making it easier f...
...epartments integrated GitLab as they use this for their code. We on the other hand use Azure DevOps for this. All works fine with the plugin, but when there is no branch or PR yet in Azure DevOps, and w...
Can anyone provide guidance on how to configure the needed non-human Jira Service Accounts for an enterprise-wide Jira Software to GitLab integration? The integration will potentially include h...
Hello community. Sorry in advance for my sometimes stupid questions since I am new to Jira Automation. I have created a simple automation that based on successful deployment to staging in GitLab p...
...pecific GitLab URL. While this search works correctly in the Confluence UI, the API endpoint is not returning any results. Steps to Reproduce Construct a CQL query with the following parameters: Space: X...
Hi Here, I am having an issue while pushing the folder/file changes from local machine to GitLab using source tree. Please find the below error. remote: GitLab: Your git username is i...
on a gitlab merge request I swapped jira ticket id in the title, but the branch name had the correct ticket number.MY Jira ticket got a comment instead of the my ticket, is there any chance that t...
I'm having trouble syncing to my remote GitLab repository through the SourceTree user interface. When I issue a 'pull' request, I get an error saying the host key is not cached for this s...
Dear community, After setting up a JIRA integration with our self hosted Gitlab instance we get the following error: Client authentication failed due to unknown client, no client authentication i...
Below mentioned is my cicd script before_script: - apt update - apt install rsync -y - apt install openssh-client -y - eval $(ssh-agent -s) - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - &g...
Hello there ! I am using the plugin gitlab for Jira Cloud (documentations are here : GitLab for Jira Cloud | Atlassian Marketplace and here : GitLab for Jira Cloud app | GitLab) so t...
I've had our gitlab.com group integrated into Jira Sofware Cloud for quite a while, and the integration mostly appears to work - branches and commits are detected, I can create projects etc. &n...
Whether you're on Jira Cloud or Data Center, there are several ways to integrate your Git repositories with Jira. However, how you plan and setup these integrations can have a large impact on their...
...eed to move the issue from the first status to the seconde when a reviewer is assigned to the PR in Gitlab (we start the review). Since we have a new "Feature Developement" now we can see the reviewer f...
The tools we use to document our ideas and projects can be as crucial as the content itself. Traditional UI-based documentation platforms like Confluence have served us well, but it's time to discove...
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