test cases and test cycles
...t to the spam box. My question is, is it realy a spam? The email looks suspicious! Thanks.
Dear community, Someone stole identity (microsoft account password) and created a Confluence Page in our name which is used for Scam. Since email account is deactivated, I cannot reset pasword nor ...
Hi As a startup founder and CTO I really need to make a very very efficient use of time and a spam marketing email from a strange company called appfire which i later realized is is c...
I received a mail from below domain. Looks like a spam. Daniella from Atlas <daniella.latham@atlas-67cedc46e45f.intercom-mail.com>
How do i merge same issue to view as one ticket ,
...nother account and I hope something can be done about this because I'm afraid if other users who are experiencing the same issue may report jira's email as spam and get it blacklisted..
...re clearly SPAM projects, and I am receiving scam emails from them. I'm unsure who the administrator is and how to contact them. Is there really no way to fix this?
I am added to a project by someone and now receive spam as tasks. How can I depart from the project and restrict adding me to projects or organizations without my request? How can I report those p...
I've been tagged by a spammer and I cannot find a way to either block or report the spammer nor remove myself from the projects I've been added to or block the future possibility of getting invited....
Hi, Issues #121-#228 are spam. https://bitbucket.org/angusyeh/tim/issues I have labelled some of them as spam, but not sure how that helps. Should they be removed/deleted all t...
I have a manual automation trigger that transition support tickets that are spam to the cancelled workflow state and set the resolution to "Spam" (a modified resolution state). I'd also like to be a...
Hi all ! When sending notifications throught Butler, messages are landing in spam folder. I there a way to avoid it ? Thanks a lot
Anyone else getting massive amounts of spam from accounts on am.atlassian.com in form of team invitations? We're getting repeating sequences of identical invitations ("Your team is waiting for you t...
Hi everyone, I just received an SPAM email from Cloud Jira service: I verified and it indeed came from Jira. Someone created a new project and started tagging people in tickets to s...
Hey, my team is overwhelmed by noise from Jira emails. In jira server i can change frequency described here by Batching email How to do that in Cloud? Sample: us...
...ccess and not allowed to create tickets. 4. Ad to Spam contexts command in ticket details which will not allow to create similar tickets in Jira by same user. Any hints are welcome, since this e...
...llows Jira admins to send out Bulk Emails to groups of Jira users. The Atlassian anti-abuse team has received numerous complaints of misuse where spammers are using this functionality to send spam e...
Hello dear Atlassian. Today I got spam and fishing email from you domain. Please check and restrict this. Thanks you.
Hi, We do use Atlasian confluence, but some of our users are receiving mails from jira@.. , subject: "EREACH-1438 -SI Problem activation" Body: some-mailbox@ourdomain.com shared this with your orga...
I don't know how to un-spam a task. When I accidentally "Make as spam" the task. (I can see the task on issues list, but when click on the title to see details. I got 410 notification.) I have t...
Hi, Is there a way to verify if a notification sent by Jira lands in a customer's spam folder? We use the default email to send notifications (@xxxx.atlassian.net) and recently we received r...
Hello. A user of the Atlassian platform uses it to send spam with blackmail and extortion. This user's address is: jira@trans-l3eerf55.atlassian.net Смогут ли руководители Atlassian сотрудничать с...
...re often getting lost in the spam. This is a massive problem. Out tech team are fully aware of this issue but reckon that to grapple with and fully tame and fix this issue will take too much t...
I presume the email notifications are enabled for most of the users and spam posts can be seen this group( Note - I have received a recent one yesterday only) Is it possible to hold any suspicious p...
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