Hello everyone! I need to update the field through the api, which is tracked by roles, to be more precise, the field is divided into 2 roles: developer and tester, and I want to update only the d...
Hi Folks, my 'Portfolio Managers' can't see the Epic Prioritization option (under More Options) in the Epic List? I can as I am an Admin. Where is the setting that allows this for a particular Role...
...bsp; I even tried adding users to the "Administer Projects" role, in which that role didn't grant them that access either. What would be the correct roles to make sure these users are able to f...
When a user is assigned to multiple Teams for different reporting reasons, you can pull a Tempo report based on the different teams and they would show up with their respective roles. H...
Hello, I have added an AD Group to a JIRA project and assigned it a role. However, the permissions of the role are not applying to the group. For example: The role the AD Group was a...
Hi, I have a Jira automation role to automatically transition project tickets from state to different state depending on github status. For example, when pull request is created -> put t...
...am both a JIRA Global Admin and a JIRA Project Admin (for this specific project). Problem: I can not create a new Access / Role within my project. Each time I try to create a new Access / Role, I...
We are wanting to clean up the roles we have in the system that aren't being used and rename other so that they are more descriptive of the personas in that ROLE. Is there a way we can do t...
Hi all, is it possible to enable "public notices" on a role-based system? Background: Support receives tech tickets, of which some become "feature improvements" to R&D. Here tickets are "t...
...eveloper rights on that level as well? The Atlassian documentation seems to suggest that rights are inherited from the object schema. (Configuring roles and permissions | Jira Service M...
Hi I want to show and hide fields in the issue navigator according to different project roles. For example There is a custom field of type Text: QA Comment. The role responsible f...
...ne or more issues, or the issue was deleted (please check permissions and issue security levels): Issue TIM-13 (id:20018)" The atlassian-addons-project-access role is assigned to every p...
Hi, I have a project where I am the project admin but not the board admin. The project uses the Simplified Workflow. I can edit the board in this project. I can add statuses and columns. In the off...
...roject Role (Administrators) Project Role (atlassian-addons-project-access) Application access (Any logged in user) For clarity, if the goal is to limit access to projects, are the above setting c...
We currently have a project opened, but when the project admins are trying to add a specific group (example: jira-software-users - also, maybe for organization it'd be smarter to create a group calle...
When I share the JIRA Service link to access the dashboard with my team agents it's taking them to the Customer Portal > Request type form. Customer Portal is the view we created for clients...
...ith the role of "Service Desk Customers" ??? I've created several test accounts and it is always the same. Shouldn't accounts created by the customer appear under "people" with the role "Service Desk C...
Recent Jira convert here- still learning the ropes. Today I reactivated an account that was in Inactive status. After doing so, previous role and group assignments appear to have been lost. Is t...
I was looking at using functional Roles more like this, can I do this? I just upgraded so I could assign individual tasks and dates to tasks but I am having trouble with the f...
...he following: What users and roles are there in Jira Service Management? , it looks as if the collaborators role might be what I"m looking for. However, I don't see the c...
Hi everyone, After multiple searches, i come to you I explain my problem, I created a new role in the Jira administration called "Client Manager" This "Client Manager" must be able to h...
Hello, So I have a project roles set up like this : What I want to do is get the list of all the users with a "projet-administrateur" role, and check if the user is in a group with the same role...
I would like to hide issues from a certain project role and only show them when they are in the "VIEW" state.
We have multiple projects on our Jira account but I want to give an external user access to only 1 project. How do I keep them from seeing all other projects?
When trying to add a user as a stake holder I get presented with a list of predefined options that are set in custom fields. I do not see a way to add user or a search feature inside of that pane. I...
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