Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×I am trying to automate the creation of Jira Cloud projects where each project's board contains multiple columns, and each column has exactly three statuses. I want to achieve this using Jir...
I am unable to see the DONE tasks. We need to have them at least display for 1 year to review our team's completed assignments and accomplishments to report to our EMG team.
I have succesfully implemented the automation as described in this article: Automation for Jira - Writing a rule that clones stories (and their sub-tasks) linked to an Epic when the Epic is cloned ...
Hello, How I can value-basec clone a project within all settings, Issues in as the same status as in the master project? Best regards C. Ermeier
We are trying to get and update the avatar to an asset object. But we also get a 401 error, the same token is working for other operations like updating the asset s attributes value. ...
Currently, in my jira issue, the detial are shown on the right hand side, but according to my another account, it can be shown in top down. the right hand side panel is occupying too m...
When I scroll through the Comments in the sidebar of a Confluence page, the last one shows my "comment" with suggested text. I realize this is just a suggestion, but it's very misleading and I don't ...
Jira APIを利用してチケットを作成する際、ネットワーク切断などの理由でAPI接続が失敗する場合があります。これらの状況に対して、Jira Cloud側で自動リトライ機能や推奨されるリトライ方法がAPIで提供されているかを知りたいです。 (When creating tickets using the Jira API, there can be cases...
Within Jira, when creating an incoming mail handler to create a ticket on a Jira Software or Jira Service Management project and setting the Forwarder email address, when ticket creation fa...
We need to restrict users to edit their public name,
We have time entry turned on in Jira Premium. I can take a filter that looks like projects in (list of projects) AND worklogDate >=(startofweek(-1) AND worklogAuthor=(currentuser) to give the lo...
When any of our customers try to utilize the portal they see the screenshot below. Every single user sees the exact same screen. Our initial trial ended though we have not had more than 3 'agent' use...
I'm trying to build and automation and I've seen multiple posts of people trying for similar things but I can't seem to understand them well enough or adapt them to what I'm trying to do. In my inci...
Hello, Recently we started having issues with some Slack workflows connected to our JIRA project using the Jira cloud plugin. The workflows are set up so that a user enters a game version in a form,...
Tenho um projeto gerenciado por equipe e gostaria de exportar o workflow e configurações do Epic, task e demais tipos de itens para usar em projetos gerenciado por empresas, pois no projeto gerenciad...
I have created company-manage project (jira - business project). When I create the issue I can't select any issue from the same project. I can select only issues from the other projects. I can't un...
Hi! Trying to figure out what goes wrong when I'm trying to create quick filters for a text in summary search. The words I want to filter out is LAM and HTTP, and the summaries can look like this(Mo...
Hi group, i Have a manually triggered rule thats creating a Story issue with serval subtaks. I wan to send a email to the person that triggers the rule. Does anyone know the sma...
I see in the plan permission to allow all plan users to edit/view or restrice. But I don't see where to add/remove plan users. Who are thos plan users? I have tickets in the plan assigned to people a...
Greetings, I have a user who keeps receiving a ping from the Jira Cloud when someone shares a link. She isn't a participant, approver nor mentioned in the ticket. It happens when someone in ...
Hi, Was there any update on JIRA Service Management projects and Summary view was removed/replaced ? Today we miss the Summary feature: We have checked the Features in Project setting...
The current limit for uploading issues in JIRA via CSV import is set to 250. How can we modify this limit?
How can we pull data/reports in one dashboard from 2 Jira projects hosted on different instances?
I have a new project that has no issues assigned to it. I am trying to have the Issue number start with a specific number. I found the "How to set the starting issue number for a project" but ca...
Hi! I have a case then I want to add 3 access groups(view,edit,admin) to project. I don't want the administrators adding any people or groups. Is it possible to restrict or hide users and proj...
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