Dear Experts, I am using Jira Stricture to calculate defect ratio in production. I have two folder and filters and JQL to calculate quantity in Production environment and defect before production....
...ext on white background" color scheme, to a ridiculous "light grey on white background" color scheme. I'm really hoping this is some kind of accidental defect, because the new color scheme is a...
In gadgets Top Defect Impacting Testing , I am unable to select all statuses such as closed reopened,In progress bugs in a single selection
I want to know if there is any possibility of showing defect leakage in % for multiple boards for a single project in JIRA dashboard. If there is any add-on or gadget. Please help
I know it’s not recommended to pull directly from the Jira SQL database, but how can I pull all JIRA issues with the product and development defects with the associated epics/features?
Hello, I'm trying to create a dashboard/report to understand which are the defect I have sprint by sprint and I'm trying to split them under the different technologies. Any idea?&n...
when I chose "use global user settings" then source tree pulls info that doesn't match what I have in global settings for user. Please see image below. I expect sourcetree to use the email shown in ...
How to write a defect description? Testing is an integral part of software production and quality assurance. Bugs just happen, even within a top-notch programming job. To eliminate them and ensure t...
I've found a defect in JSM where I cannot add a customer with a completely valid email address - Jira baulks at <name>@<domain> Having just gone through the process of adding a...
Hello Team, I am using X-Ray Test Management application for our cloud instance. Auto fill US/Test related common fields for Test execution and Defects instead of doing manually every time. W...
Hello Team, When we are creating the "Defect" during Test execution, we have to fill all the common fields manually again and again. Is it possible to link defect directly with "US" (which is l...
...he defects, that were linked to this run. Does anyone of you implemented such a report? Best regards Timo
When we perform a testrun with a testcase with several steps and would like to report a defect i.e in step 7 of in total 10 steps the defect is created with a lot of details. The defect is created a...
I'm looking for some advice on the best way to manage bugs and defects between multiple jira projects but without moving the bugs and defects around, i'll explain..... As a team we'd like to be a...
I need the number of all defects in a testplan. One defect can be linked to multiple tests but should only count as one. How can I do that? I can't use the JQL "defectsCreatedDuringTesting()" since s...
Hi All, I am currently making changes to our bug workflow, and in the process I have added two new custom fields. I am trying to add these new fields to existing bug cards (one of the new custom fie...
Hi All, Our team is looking to provide better test metrics, and one of these is showing the average time to resolution for bug cards. I was looking to add a gadget to provide a Dataplane Report (gra...
Hello I want to build a view of all the defects and bugs in my JIRA project and be able to see in the same view which defects are covered by a test case. I'd like to see these data : -Defects a...
TL;DR - Setting implies it is filtering on "resolution" or "resolutiondate" fields, when it is actually filtering on "updated" or "updatedDate" fields. Long Version - With a Kanban board using thi...
I have created a report using the two dimensional chart to compare epics vs bugs. The idea to see per release how much is the team is dedicated to working on fixing production bugs (not productive) v...
We are using the X-ray App to run our Quality Assurance and Testing department. In the Xray app, you have the option to create a Defect issue straight from a Test case execution. I w...
We know that we can create a defect/ issue at the time of test execution for a test step and test scenario but is there any way to create a defect for the failed test case automatically in JIRA for e...
Hi, I am trying to build JQL query to filter bugs created and resolved in same Sprint. My project is long running over an year with 2 weeks sprint. The goal here is to see how many defects were c...
Hi, Can we track how many times a defect has moved from one status to the other? Suppose a defect has moved from "In Dev" status to "QA" and then "In Review" status. Later, it m...
I'm experiencing an overlapping legend on the reports burndown and CFD pages
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