Hi all, I'm currently trying to understand how the Plans Timeline works. As far as I understand, changing task dates by dragging its timeslot in the Timeline DOES automatically change it in t...
Context, on a ticket, i have : an issue date field a date automatically set when I transit a ticket into the blocked externally column What I want to do : calculate the new issue d...
Hello, I am trying to convert in jira automation, a variable into a date. The variable is caught from the issue description field, where a due date is set as plain text. Next I try to manipulate the ...
Hi all, I would like to automatically display the last day of the previous year. I tried that with this smart value: {{now.startOfYear.minusDays(1).format("dd.MM.yyyy")}} Unfortunately without...
Hey Everyone I’m trying to create a JQL to find issues created before the last two weeks of the current month. Doing some studying I see this is the answer: created < startOfMonth(-2w) T...
...ew week's dates. How can I do this?
We're using content report tables in some of our pages. However, they appear with a strangely formatted date. For example, the Modified column shows: 12 306 2024 (I assume to represent 12 March-is...
When importing data into a database we have some dates that go up to 31.12.2999 but the database will not allow that date (we have some contract terms or copyright terms that have this as an end d...
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