Hi, I have looked in help documentation and I cannot seem to find any help on the Insert Confluence List macro so I am coming here. I what I need to do with the list is return a set of p...
In using the List feature (from left sidebar) I can only see open and future sprints. I don't see prior sprints in Filter dropdown. Is there a way that past/closed sprints can be included?
Hi Community, Please guide on how generate a list of existing labels present in Jira Software (Data Center) via API call. It will be a great help you could share necessary help document and s...
Do tej pory korzystałam z dodatku Pretty Print, ale dzisiaj przestał on działać. Potrzebuje wydrukować całą listę zawierającą karty z ich opisami ( bez komentarzy). Jak mogę to uzyskać? Bardzo p...
...hen it is more than one value, it is trying to add the label with space --> "Asset1 Asset2" I think I have to use smart values with lists here somehow, and maybe JSON, but couldn't find quite w...
For example, I have created a numbered list as below: Click your profile photo. Select Settings. (Near the bottom). Click <> Developer Settings in the left sidebar. (It’s t...
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to make the lists wider, so that you can see the cards you have a little more comfortably. Thank you for your time
Hello, first of all, I apologize for my english (translator kkk), is not my first language... I am trying to customize my ideas list but its not working! :( I would like to make it v...
Looking at a card in the web interface, normally it shows the list it's in, just under the card title. It says "in list", then the list name with a clickable down-arrow, allowing it to be moved to a...
I'm looking at my List view, and our users love it. One was asking, "Hey, how do I identify Flagged/Blocked items in the List view"... so I figured I'd just add the field and use Format to c...
Is there a way to setup notifications when a card is automatically created on Trello? I got Survey monkey survey linked through Zapier on Trello, I "watch" the list, but I do not receive email n...
Hi all, I couldn't find answer to my question on this forum. Sorry if there is a duplicate thread already. I have a Jira Software project (Team-managed) with "List" feature enabled. When I switch t...
How do you get a listing of all Cards/Boards/Lists that you are watching? It does not seem to allow you to search for "@ User_tags" in any of the search options in your Workspace or Boards.
Hi Team, I am trying to auto-populate a nested list in the description field with behaviour, but I am unable to find options other than ordered and unordered lists. I am looking for something s...
I want to be able to add staff to certain lists myself, instead of them having to go and select "watch" manually for every List. Is this possible ?
This was the question asked in 2019 - so 5 years? has this been implemented?
Hi I am looking for the solution how do i automate, create (free of charge, no paid plug ins) a mirrored list with cards. MY Board &n...
Hey everyone, on top of my five lists I use a colorful card with a sticker as header - see list "Bald" [yes, German for soon, not a hairless man ;)] with coming soon sticker and green background, E...
Objective Post a Slack message to display the list of epics in the current sprint, showing the key, summary, assignee, and priority, as well as the number of issues and story points in the current s...
...n a list/tabular format. I checked the List view, but as shown in the screenshot below, that view only displays native project issues and not those from other projects. Is this a limitation t...
Hello, I'm using the timeline view (so with the Project Start and the Project Target fields, so that it works) but that means that for the same project, in a list view, I can't group ideas by q...
I am trying to group by category in the list view in Jira. Which by my research is something that can be done. But category does not appear as an option for me to group by. Furthermore I am unable t...
Hello, We have several business project, but one seems to be having an issue with the list view, while others dont have this issue. As an example, this is what one of our correctly working lists l...
Hi everyone, This question is a bit similar to my last one: Do the Business Projects in Jira Service Management not have lists, boards or calendars? Or am I just not looking in the right place f...
...ll PR's data in this variable: {{webResponse.body.detail.pullRequests}} I have a Story which is linked in BB to 2 open PR's. My problem begins when I try to use smart values list handling m...
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