Невозможно вывести отчет в tempo по уволенным сотрудникам, раньше это можно было сделать через фильтр, но теперь эта возможность не работает.
I have installed "Team Member Capacity" and "Planned Vs Actual" plug-ins in Tempo to do a quarterly plan for the team. When I see the output of the data in "Planned Vs Actual" view, th...
Hi, We’ve encountered an issue where the team lead is not a user in certain projects and, as a result, cannot view the issues they are approving. This causes a scenario where the team lead approves...
Hello, in Tempo planning resource tab , can we disable the description so it would not show on the user card Thank you
Hi I am writing a Tempo report in Tempo and I need to filter the report by specific categories so that I may do a mass edit and fix those erroneously captured categories. Currently I am forced to s...
How can I add all the story points on Structure by TEMPO, and display total story points + progress bar at the initiative level only. I do not want to display child items for this dashboard Based on...
Hi, is there currently any way to query the monthly budget that one can configure on an account while creating a jira automation? We have some customers that have 2 Accounts, as long as the monthl...
Hello Team, We recently started using the Outlook calendar integration for Tempo timesheets. This integration automatically populates the Jira story number when we include it in the meeting ...
Hi all, Our company uses Tempo to track times. We create "billable" and "non-billable" accounts which we log our times on. I was wondering if I could specify that billable account xy only has a bu...
Anyone else seeing this? Have tried to reach them on their support site.
I am looking to establish a PMO to manage the end-to-end PM process from Project Intake through completion. Is there a product I can use to do this? I downloaded Tempo, but cannot find how to establi...
Is it possible to set up Tempo Timesheet so that time bookings are only allowed up to a certain period? For example that you can only book from May to June. Best regards, Leonie
Hello dear Community We have the challenge to set up time-tracking and reporting in Jira and already use Tempo Timesheets - which all works as described. However, we have one requirement whic...
Hi Community, in the current Tempo settings, it is not possible for users who have been granted a one-year grace period to delete that setting, which poses a significant problem for us. Did an...
Hello Atlassian community We want to use Tempo Timesheets for some intercompany billing and need to add information to individual worklogs regarding the service involved and possibly more deta...
Hi, My team is using the Tempo Timesheet App on Jira Cloud. All team members have the Office 365 Calendar app installed in their Tempo, for displaying calendar events in the timesheet (...
Hi, I've created a role in Tempo "Office Administration". That role has all permissions and I assigned two users, however, 1 user can see all timesheets, the other can't. I'm assum...
We are trying to get Jira data to our analytical platform. For that we are using a third-party tool Cdata. With Cdata we were able to pull the Jira information, but Temp details are missing. I know ...
Hi Team, While upgrading Jira, we are also upgrading the plugin versions. However, if the plugin licenses have expired and we apply a Data Center (DC) trial license for those plugins, will this ...
Hi all, I was wondering if the following is possible in Jira. We use a Jira add-on called 'Tempo' for time tracking. It works well, but what we would like to have added is the following: We want to...
Hi, I am making a plugin for Tempo Timesheet Approval Listener and I found how to do it here https://github.com/tempo-io/tempo-events-example. Unfortunately I cannot find some dependencies: <...
I have created 2 Jira plugins whose keys are "test" and "test-dev". I am using this since the last year. Recently I faced one issue, When I load my "test" plugin from Jira, anytime I call the Jira ...
What should I do if the time recorder in the lower right corner disappears? Before, we could click the icon in the lower right corner to start the task timing, but now the icon has disappeared, ...
Hi Community, is there a tempo-planner AllocationManager/Service similiar to the com.tempoplugin.team.api.TeamManager, or is it only possible to retrieve information about the Allocations th...
Google Analytics scripts are running in Chrome but the script initiator is not calling the /collect API when I am using google analytics in the Jira custom plugin in the Chrome browser. However, it w...
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