I logged into bitbucket again after being absent for a few years. After logging in, I got a prompt to name my new workspace and I can´t seem to make it work. I tried typing multiple workspace n...
See the picture, the URL is created by me, and I can view actually, but I can't add it to my account. It's so weird. <Redacted Screenshot> "Create a free workspace" with the error T...
It's so weird. In picture 1, I can't see my workspace. In picture 2, I can't find way to create repository What can I do?
i recently added a paid member to our Trello workspace , but I noticed that 10,000 operations were not added as expected. This appears to be an issue, and I would appreciate your assistance in r...
I cant access my workspace! Throws a 404 error! Please help!
I want to give access to a user in my workspace through java code, which api should i use for this. I am unable to get any api for doing so. I want this to be handled through my code only, c...
I use Trello at work, and I just got another laptop. However these boards are attached to my personal email. I don't understand why I can't access these boards. I see 1, but have lost 2. Because I am...
I accidentally left my own workspace trying to log out. I am unable to accept my own request to get back into it. Is there a way to override this or get into the workspace? When I selected contact u...
Hi, I pay for myself and some of my members in the standard version. If I had two workspaces. And one board on both. And I had the same 15 members on both boards - would I have to pay f...
Hi, I would like to call a Bitbucket api (using api.asApp().requestBitbucket() ) from a webtrigger listener. I have to obtain workspaceId and repositoryId to build a route, but I don't k...
...bsp; 1. 🌟 Set Up a Dedicated Workspace Creating a designated workspace at home is a great first step for productivity. While it may be tempting to work from the couch, setting up a workspace w...
...ikely due to the boards having restrictions on who can be added. You may need to have the target member be added to the Workspaces the boards belong to." J'aimerais passer à la version Premium pour les g...
I signed in for the first time in a long time and my screen has been stuck like this for over a week. I've tried signing in and out, clearing my cache, and using a different browser with no luck. Is ...
All emails connected to my web domain are not receiving Bitbucket workspace invitations. It may be the same problem described in these posts: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Bitbucket-q...
Hello, I'm having quite similar issue to which is reported here. After creating a new workspace (why was the old and simple way of creating it got changed?!), the workspace got created with the f...
We're trying to use a custom pipe that builds its own workspace variable names. In the past, we've always declared the deployment and workspace variables in the variables block for the pipe a...
Hello, I am using trello free account. Now i am planning to move paid version. I have lot of questions while reviewing the following policy "How Billing Works" 1. If trello billing either for workspace...
...our workspace functional and beautiful. Try Aura and Karma today and make your Confluence experience extraordinary!
Hello since some days I cant add new workspaces for my projects. If I click on add new there isnt the possibility to add a new workspace. Can it be cause one workspace (where I am a guest) has r...
Hello Atlassian Community, I am the president of the ISAMM Microsoft Club in Tunisia. Due to the recent update in Trello’s policy, our workspace is now limited to 10 collaborators f...
I have a few co-workers that aren't populating in the Internal Users section of our workspace. They've worked on Jira for a few months and are able to sign in no problem into Atlassian. But they a...
Hi team, I need to give a group read access to all repos in a workspace. How can I do that ?
Hi, I'm back from vacation, and I log into Trello, I don't have the same workspace and same board. I lost everything. Thanks
When I click the botton it keeps loading and loading as if it were trying to go to trello and Atlassian at the same time and it never ends up anywhere.
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