...tory Points in the Velocity Report, only completed. Workaround for "Remaining Estimate" burndown: If we load the sum of the sub-tasks up into the story level, and zero out the sub-tasks, the b...
Everyone looks at velocity and burndown charts, but the real insights often hide in the Jira metrics we rarely check. 🟣Lead time - how long tasks actually take from start to completion. 🟣S...
...Velocity Chart: This native Jira report gives you a basic idea of your team's velocity over time. However, you notice some drawbacks: It's based solely on story points, which can be s...
This week we will focus on sprint velocity report that helps Agile teams and project managers track and visualize their sprint performance over time in Jira projects. T...
Hi, I am unable to see Commitment in Velocity chart. As I understood estimates should be available when Sprint starts and sub task are not consider. We use estimates to our Stories or c...
Boss wants to see velocity data by team over 4+ PIs. Can a velocity report be generated for more than 7 sprints? Ideally, I would like to export the data to Excel for graphing.
“What’s the difference between The Cross-Team Velocity Chart and Benchmarking Chart for Cross-Teams?“ - This question the Broken Build team gets quite often, and we thought we should finally give a d...
...ools into our daily workflows, we can continuously refine our development processes and ensure consistent productivity. Here’s how we leverage Jira’s built-in reports, including Velocity Charts, Burnup C...
...ollowing this team rule. Inspect it further with breakdowns and highlights. Applying target lines to your charts In the Agile Velocity Chart Gadget and Agile Reports and Gadgets, you can easily put t...
If I have a look a the Jira Velocity Report I do see the completed and commited Storypoints per Sprint, but I don't see the average velocity which helps me to get an impression of the speed of my T...
Individual velocity is a pineapple on pizza of the Agile world. While few see its value, many think it does more harm than good. What’s the individual velocity in Jira? Individual velocity...
...nalyze sprints with the Breakdown feature To break down your sprint data in Broken Build’s velocity charts, do the following: 1) click the sprint you want to examine so the sprint metrics will roll d...
...e found that after introducing the advanced sprint metrics in the Agile Velocity Chart Gadget to our clients, the majority started using them all right away, together with the breakdown, for more c...
Disclaimer: there’s nothing wrong with the native velocity chart in Jira Released in early 2000s, the built-in velocity chart is awesome, simple, and included in the Jira offering by default. It s...
This should be a really simple thing to do - determine the length of an array in Confluence/Velocity - but I'm struggling to figure it out! I've tried 3 ways to find the length of an array (shown b...
Hello! I feel there is something amiss in the velocity charts i.e. committed vs completed hours reflected. So I tried to download the values in excel and match them. They do not match - c...
What is Velocity? (in agile software development) Velocity is a term used in agile software development to illustrate the “rate of progress” for an individual resource or a team or a set o...
Hi, We upgraded JIRA from v8.20.14 to v9.12.9, There is a specific screen in my plugin that doesn't show links. It uses Velocity and this message appears in the logs: [org.apache.velocity...
Hello everyone We try to change the velovity template of batchers-3.0.2 in order to hide some information since my company works with sensitive data. We succeeded to identify which part of email is...
...oints assigned. If working in PMO with board1 selected, when we go to the Velocity report we see a chart with velocity information for some PMO’s sprints and other project’s sprints that are being w...
...tory in next sprint . Which approach is the most recpmmended one and why ? How does it effect velocity and other metrices. In case we go with option a then how do we measure individuals effort and t...
...evel of effort of work put in. My initial thinking was that not burning down Story Points would mean that I would not be logging Sprint velocity numbers, and would have no burndown chart to r...
Hello My last Sprint velocity shows Committed = 18 Completed = 44 I made a mistake of entering the incorrect sprint # into the Story when it was created and realized that after the fact - [S...
I'm using better pdf exporter (Apache velocity) for printing out PDF's with information from issue cards. The code below has been working as intended before but after upgrading to datacenter and u...
...ntroducing new issue types), and after changes were made, the velocity chart for the past sprint is now showing "Issue added to sprint after start time", that is for majority of the tickets. Also, that o...
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