Hi, I just checked some stuff around reports in our system and noticed, that BurnUpCharts looked odd. So I have some questions: 1. I think this is more of a"Bug": If I want to get a BurnUpChart u...
In Agile project management, tracking progress is essential to ensure that teams stay on course to meet their sprint goals. This week, we focus on Story Points Burn-Up in Sprint, which offers a clear...
...ools into our daily workflows, we can continuously refine our development processes and ensure consistent productivity. Here’s how we leverage Jira’s built-in reports, including Velocity Charts, Burnup C...
Jira has a built in Feature and Sprint burndowns and burnups, but having created a new Epic issue type, these reports don't work for Epic issue type. Has anyone found a way to build out such r...
My team would like to have the Sprint Burnup Chart added to our team dashboard but it is not included as an available Gadget. Is there any way to add Burnup as a gadget or just get it i...
...tory w/many tasks / subtasks under that. We don't use Story Points - we focus on Estimated Working Days and Days Remaining. I need Burndown or Burnup to look like the attached image but can't find a...
The current Burnup report has an ideal burn rate guideline. It is based on the current total story points. We would like to see an "original burn rate" guideline based on the original total story p...
Hi! I can't figure out why the reports on the same team and sprint provide different results. Insights feature states 44 sp done, 210 sp to go Burnup chart: 63 done, 140 to go. Neither o...
I am trying to add a cone of uncertainty to Burn Up Chart in excel however, not sure how Any help appreciated Thanks
My CTO needs to see a burn up chart of my entire project, rather than per sprint. I have 3 boards making up the backlog, and have created a board with all 3 on. However the burn up rep...
Each task has a time estimate, there are projects where "Story points" is set in the settings, but they show the Burnup chart, and there are other projects with the same settings, but when you open t...
"Cannot display this chart There are no estimated tasks in this sprint." Each task is estimated by time.
...eport. Examples - Backlog view of the current Sprint has 68 points Burndown chart shows only total of 50 points Burnup chart showed 42 points Sprint Report shows sections as C...
Hi, We have multiple sprint boards across multiple projects. I'm aware JIRA automatically offers burn down and burn up charts at sprint board level, but we're looking for a way to combine the multi...
Hi, I'm working across a couple of scrum teams as part of a wider project. I know we can get burn up charts from the reports at scrum team board level, but how can we create a burn up chart which p...
I am totally new to jira.I use 8.13.2 DataCenter version.For the same sprint, I got different start date of burndown and burnup chart,exactly 8 hours when the general configration of D...
Hi, I am new in creating Burn up and Burn Down charts in Jira and I encountered this issue. For example I have cycles QA-C26 and QA-C30 and have the following details: Created cycle date: 8t...
This plug-in: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1220431/epic-burn-up-chart-for-jira?hosting=cloud&tab=support Is it possible to burn up by points instead of count of issues...
Hi, I have done the following in sequence: 1. Created user stories 2. Added points to the 'Story point' field for each user story 3. Added some of these stories to a bucket 4. Started the sprint...
Hello! I've explored the current sprint reports and read this article about the next-gen burndown report's features. However... there seems to be a untapped potential for these reports to ...
I've deleted a story from the Sprint and replaced it with another that had the same amount of story points. My burnup chart is now showing both points, being one of them has been deleted. What w...
I use 2 projects Jira Cloud (Next-gen). Always another projects sprint is selected in the top of sprint select-box. I want to limit the select-box item to sprint is in the project. Have I misint...
I need to configure a burn up chart, but the final estimate is to be input manually. Yes, we do not follow Scrum to the letter. I forecast the outcome of the month based on historical data. But any a...
I am also seeing the "This chart cannot be displayed" message when I try to run the Burnup report with our active sprint. We do not use story points, so we use the Burnup report with Issue Count i...
Hi Community, Please can anyone help me figure out how I can access the Burnup charts as for some reason I can't see it in the list of available reports for the sprint .See below s...
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