Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you might find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Abrí una cuenta en trello por error y quiero cancelarla
До того було все добре і все працювало до 03.03.2025 прошу вирішити дану проблему так як це ускладнює роботу
The email notification you recieve just advises you a field or a card has been moved, how do you get it to include some further details such as card title or generic field?
Доброго ранку! Я Поріцька Вікторія Василівна , вихователь в ЗДО 46( сайт садочку dnz46.rv.ua) Директор садка Білюк Тетяна Анатолівна повна назва закладу: Заклад дошкільної освіти( ясла ...
The automations feature has some major issues, they are taking forever to work - what are the engineers doing that is affecting our productivity?
All of a sudden automations that worked fine before are either not working now or are working VERY slowly. More than 10 minutes to run a simple automation that took less than 30 seconds before. Is th...
Bonjour ! J’essaie de me connecter via le web mais je ne reçois pas de code de vérification par mail. Quel est le problème et que dois-je faire pour pouvoir me connecter ?
On my Desktop/web browser (both Arc or Chrome), the Card Aging does not dim the cards. However on the Apple iPhone app, cards are dimmed correctly. I have seen it dim the cards in the past, bu...
Buenas tardes, en mi centro de trello me aparece que puedo tener 10 colaboradores pro solo me deja ingresar a 9 por favor su ayuda.
Hello, is it possible for a coworker with admin permission to work in Trello under a coworker's login? How do I request an investigation regarding the identity of the user who accessed my account w...
Hi, I´d like to keep all my boards, while I exclude the person who set up my Trello at first (he was/is? the administrator), so that he´s unable to see or c...
Dear Trello team, I am writing to seek your assistance regarding an issue I have encountered. Specifically, I have a card that has been set up for weekly repetition, and I am unable to s...
Pongo teléfonos en las tarjetas, no se porque motivo en unas puedo marcar directamente en el teléfono, y en otras no, pueden ayudarme
How can i change the number of multi board guests on my plan?
please call me or write me i need this place for add another person for myworkspace but i can't
The only admin on the account has left the company, we would like a new admin to enable us to remove other users
I want to create a mirror card to be visible from two dashboards, but I don't want the user of the first dashboard to access all the information from the second dashboard. I want him to only ...
I have the free version of Trello, which limits me to 10 users per board. There are currently 9 users on the board, but the system blocks me and refuses to add the tenth and final user as if the l...
ao trocar de computador fui tentar colocar o trello ele desconectou, ao tentar entrar diz que não existe, o email cadastrado desde 2019 não está mais recebendo emails e não consigo acessar, no e...
I have found that there is a limit of 16384 characters for the "Description" of the card, but i want to know if there is also a text limit if I add a type 'Text' Custom Field and put pretty long note...
Since the day before yesterday I have had the problem that when I visit one of my boards, it is displayed for a short time (i.e. the normal interface, with all the lists etc.), but th...
Is anyone else suffering from Trello running really slow recently. Only been the past week or so, we have done nothing on Trello, i.e. added a load of cards etc. Very annoying t...
While logged in via the integration with MS Teams I am no longer able to interact with the Board in the same way, such as automations. It says "to use butler you must be a member of the board" but I ...
I have a Confluence account and was able to invite users to it. I also want to add those users to my Trello org so I can have them billed under one company account. How do I do that?
My Trello Free Account has suddenly asked for two factor authentication. It seems to want to text my phone, but no messages arrive. I have not set up an external app—though I commonly use D...
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