...isplay key metrics like open tickets, resolution times, and pending escalations. Pro Tip: Use filters to highlight high-priority issues that need immediate attention. Tip 2: Automate W...
Hello everyone, I would like to create a ticket template for story tickets in Jira. I already know how to create templates for this purpose. However, in my example below, I want to insert a table i...
Hi everyone, We recently created an New Project in JSM. It's a Company Managed project. We are live now receiving tickets everyday. Thing is that a couple weeks ago we jumped from ticket...
Hi, I have problem with atlassian support, when I create ticket I see this.
When we resolve a ticket in Jira Service Management, it automatically pops up a window where we have to select a resolution and can add a comment. The part, where the possibility to add a comment i...
Hello! Maybe someone has encountered this and can tell me how to implement ideas to create a ticket in Jira and it will be transferred to zendesk in the form of a ticket
Hi, I have a case where I need to kick off a complex workflow involving several departments when a ticket is submitted to my Jira Service Management Portal (JSM). I attempted to create c...
...arget dates, or other custom fields to Jira tickets and the customer portal. Delivering exceptional services requires transparency and efficiency, and it's crucial to provide your clients with real-t...
Pessoal, boa tarde! Sou novo na comunidade e tenho uma dúvida, o usuario abre um ticket ex: no suporte Infra, o suporte infra indentifica que esse ticket na verdade é da aerea de d...
The image below is what happens when I export these 2 columns which are time until SLA breach. (e.g. 0:29 means 29 minutes until SLA breach for response same applied to SLA for resolution). However,...
Hello All, I need assistance with customizing the fields in the automated email triggered when someone sends a message to our distribution list. Specifically, I would like to include...
Hi, Trying to solve one automation brain teaser. We would like to use additional email address for incoming tickets and automatically assign them to another queue. Maybe someone a...
We are trying to have a certain ticket type, once submitted automatically create a story with all of the necessary details/fields from the original ticket.
...n user, would be the same user logged into Jira. Currently, they click on the Zylo tile and it redirects to the workflow and then they have to hit Submit, to have the ticket created. We requested s...
...equest through their personal email, I would like JSM to reply to that email thread with a ticket number and be able to continue the conversation thread on that same email chain. My organization w...
Hello Community, I am seeking assistance with automating the linking of cloned tickets between our Support and Development projects in Jira. Here is the scenario and the steps I have taken so f...
...evelopment. Sometimes, a support ticket requires development work, so we create a linked development ticket and initially close the support ticket, as there is no active action needed from the support team u...
I have problem in a Kanban Board where some Tickets don't show up for certain People. There should be at least 10 Tickets in the Bottom row. I have the System Admin and every role on the Board, and t...
...bsp; Now, they have their own template repository, and team members can create custom Jira ticket templates. The repository doesn’t display templates from, for example, t...
Hi, I would like to share a specific Jira-ticket with somebody how has no access to the Jira-project. I do not want to give access to the whole project. Is this possible? Thank you :)
Hi all, My team is trying to implement an automated system where developers can create Jira tickets themselves by writing Slack threads in a designated channel. An example scenario could b...
Hello Jira Community, i'd like to ask a question. We can't give access to a project to certain people, but they have to watch some of the tickets that are in the Project. Can I give them P...
Hi, We have a case where av video is uploaded in a ticket in Jira Cloud as an attachment. Sometimes the attachment window-box is grayed out and the icon is stuck in a spinning-mode. Is t...
Dear all, I need your support How to display all objects in assets custom field in the ticket itself? This field in Edit screen: I need all these objects display in ticket when it is c...
Dear all, I need your support How to display all objects in assets custom field in the ticket itself ? This field in Edit screen doesn't show in Customer screen (Create) &n...
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